Forty Four

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The plane landed in Korea and i was so scared in case i got caught again. I also was scared of what Jisung's reaction was going to be towards our child.
What if he didn't want it.
I shook the thought out my mind.
No. I'm going to look positively.

We all got off the plane and i saw Hyunjin ringing someone who i assumed was Jisung.
I hope he is okay.

I put my hands on my stomach and i smiled to myself. I was going to have his child.

Hyunjin called for a taxi and then we all carried on driving. It felt like we had been going for hours and my body clock was messed up.

I had slept through the day and now it was night i was not tired at all.

Finally after about 19 hours (plane and car) we had arrived at this building i had never seen before.
The thing that worried me was that Kai could of done something in those 19 hours.

Chan unlocked the door and we all followed afterwards.
The first thing i saw was someone running up to me giving me such a large hug.
"Jisung." I hugged him tighter and he put his hands on my head stroking it.

"I thought i would never see you again."

"Same..." i replied.

We enjoyed our small moment until i decided to let him know.

"Jisung.. i found out something."

"What is it?" He looked kind of worried but chill at the same time.

"I think i'm pregnant with your child."

He just stared at me for what felt like forever and my heart was beating so fast i thought it would explode.
Was he going to get mad?

I started to get worried until a massive smile appeared on his face.


"Yeah.. you're not mad?."

"Why the hell would i be mad." He just gave me another hug and put one of his hands on my stomach.

"The only people that will be mad is our parents. I'm not sure what we should do about them.."

I nodded.
"Same here. I only barely escaped from Kai. He wanted me to tell everyone it was his child."

He shook his head.
"As long as we are together we can get through this. Okay?"

I agreed and looked around to see so many people.
There was about 7 males here.
I recognised them all though. I remembered that they were all friends with Jisung. I smiled widely.
"So you guys are all back to being friends?"

"Of course!" Jisung laughed as he out his arm around Woojin looked around at the others smiling.

A bit later i got a phone call from my mom and i answered it cautiously.


I just heard crying on the other end. Did i cause this?

"Y/n can you meet me somewhere..?"

"Of course mom where?"

"Wherever you are i will go to."

I gave her my location and she hung up.
I don't even know why i trusted her, she just sounded so broken.

"Guys, my mom is on the way here, but don't worry she seemed upset so she won't do anything."

"It could of been an act Y/n."

"No.. i don't think it was."

"We will have to see anyways." Woojin stated.

There was a knock at the door and i slowly went up to it unlocking it.

"Mom your here,"
As soon as she stepped through the door my eyes immediately widened.

She had a large bruise on her face and her eyes were red with soreness.

"What happened."

"He.. he is a monster. Why did i ever marry him Y/n. Why did i leave your father." She was screaming banging onto my chest.

"Mom, mom calm down. Its alright now, your not with him right now."

"No its not alright." She started to cry again.

"I didn't even get to say goodbye to David when i could. Why am i such a b*tch."

I had never seen my mom like this before.
I walked over to her and gave her a hug and i patted her back.
"Mom its okay."

"I'm going to get a divorce with him. For your sake and mine and then go marry Jisung and raise your child together."
She wiped the tear off her face and gave me a smile.
"I'm so sorry for not being there for you all those years. I don't think i could ever make up for it."

"Mom stop worrying about it. I'm sorry i wasn't a better daughter to you."

"Do you think my child will be more korean than american looking?"

She smiled.
"I don't know, we will have to see won't we."

"I'm so happy your supporting this now. Can you make sure Kai doesn't do anything to me."

"Of course. Now lets go sign some divorce papers!" She laughed as she shouted for me and Jisung to follow her.

"I will see you guys later after we have sorted this out."
They all smiled waving at me and i held hands with Jisung as he looked at me with love in his eyes.

✔︎ 𝙤𝙣𝙡𝙮 𝙖 𝙨𝙩𝙚𝙥~𝙗𝙧𝙤  || BOOK 1 ||𝙷𝚊𝚗 𝙹𝚒𝚜𝚞𝚗𝚐||Where stories live. Discover now