8 - Awakening

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The Queen of Scotland and France's eyes fluttered open, the still calmness of her moonlit bedchambers disturbed by the sound of wood collapsing and a little squeal. She furrowed her brow, turning over quietly towards the source of the noise. The grand, royal bedchambers shared by the King and Queen was dark, all the candles unlit. The only source of light was the floor to ceiling window with the curtains still drawn, letting in the romantic moonlight. That wasn't what intrigued her, no, what intrigued the Queen was the fact that the side that was occupied by the King was vacant.

She turned her head, hearing his voice. The Queen smiled softly at the enchanting scene, her heart warming at the sight. He was seated upon the floor, wrapped in one of her black fur blankets that she had taken back to France ever since their last trip to Scotland. It was the begging of winter, she didn't blame him for stealing it. Cocking her head, the Queen of Scotland saw her daughter bundled up to his side, giggling as she knocked down a trifecta of coloured, wooden blocks.

"Shh, Annie." he whispered, running his hand through the ten month old's blonde curls. Princess Anne's deep golden eyes shone up at her father, who knelt before her as they played together. "We mustn't wake your maman, alright? Your brother or sister tires her." King Francis whispered, although the gentle smile upon his handsome face made her beam back at him. 

The Queen smiled at the scene, laying her hand upon the seven month old bump that housed their second born child and hopefully, heir and son. This was anything but unusual. Their eldest child -his second born, she thought bitterly, but quickly swallowed it down- had her father completley wrapped around her little fingers. The King of France and Scotland would never say no to his little Princesse, that's why he usually came into her grand nursery in the middle of the night when she refused to take her rest. Many-a-night, she would awaken to find the King reading or singing to his little girl, or, like right now, playing with her. They both knew he needed sleep, for being a ruling King to two countries was hard work, but whatever their little Princess wanted, she got.

Not wanting to disturb the little father-daughter scene, Mary lay herself back down upon the bed and nestled into the warm sheets. She closed her eyes, dreaming of the day where they had many more children to awaken them in the night.

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