156 - Heiress *Modern*

444 12 2

Prompt - Mary becoming Queen as an adult with Francis by her side.

{Similar AU as Duty!}

"I thought I'd find you out here." he says, plopping down next to his heavily pregnant wife. Said heavily pregnant wife turns to him from the water, she gives him a sad smile, reaching for his hand. She holds it for a moment, before placing it upon the seven month old bump that her stomach had swollen to, the same bump that housed and grew their son who would be born in December. "What is it with you and water? Each and every time I need to find you, here you are." he smiles softly, rubbing her swollen stomach lightly, feeling the little heels of his unborn son.

"I guess I feel at home around it, it gives me time and space to think, tells me what to do next when I'm not sure of the answer." she says softly, looking down at the water again. "And we're nowhere near an ice rink. And even if we were," she looks down at her bump again. "this little guy'd put a stop to that." she says. He cracks a smile again, pushing hair from her shoulder. It's tender and they don't even notice he's done it until Mary leans into his shoulder and heaves a heavy sigh. "This-this is crazy." she says softly. 

"It is." he agrees, running his fingers through her hair to soothe her. "I know it must be hard. In the last three days, you just reached seven months, Kenna and Bash's crash and now this." he says. Husband and wife intertwine their fingers. "I'm sorry it happened like this." he whispers. "But I meant what I said that night, and I'll say it again now, whatever you decide or don't decide, I'm here and I'll support you." he says. Mary breathes in slowly. He smells of mint and lemon and pine and she loves it.

"I'm just not sure what to do," she reveals. "My uncle taken out as well as four potential heirs, in the same week as your brother and Kenna's car crash, doesn't it seem odd to you? And-and the fact that your father just signed off on Sebastian's Princeship and my uncle and cousins are -were-" she adds bitterly. "a King and two Princesses, as well as a Prince. It's why government wants us to stay put, but how can I? Francis, I-I just got a call informing me that I'm a Queen of a country we've barely spent any time in!" she sniffles. "And on top of all that, growing this little muffin as well. I'm just overwhelmed, I guess." she says.

"I'm sorry, baby. I know that when you accepted the crown four years ago, you didn't think it would end up like this." he says. Mary nods slowly. "But on the bright side, Bash'n Kenna're gonna be fine, and we have people here to protect us if this is some major hit taken out on royals all over Europe. I promise it'll get better when this threat is over, and we'll get to London and see where things go from there. I love you, Mary. You're stuck with me, love."

The baby kicks then, reminding his parents that he's there, too. And it's all they really need.


I'm gonna sign off for a few hours, but I'll do my best to update some more later on in the day. Keep your eyes pealed for Frarytales!

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