196 - Infertile *Modern*

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Prompt - Do something about male infertility, like with Francis IRL or Sebastian, like I've always pictured him to be since he was just as much the manwhore as Francis, but Francis had his bastard, but Bash never did.

Side Note - in the same AU as Kenna going into labor after Mary gives birth. This is a prequel to it.


"Bash, I-I don't know what to say." Francis says, his fingers absentmindedly twiddling against the warm china of the thick china mug he was holding. "Do I ask if you're okay? No, that's a stupid question. W-what do you want me to say?"

"Nothing," Sebastian's voice is even, blank almost. "Don't say anything, yeah? Nothing can make it better." he says, not even turning to look at his younger half brother, only at the white wall of the hospital room he was admitted to be held captive. His breath is even, it's proven by the steady beeping of the heart monitor, it goes in and then it goes out. His chest aches, his groin throbs.

It was a freak accident, the nurse had said the day before. Her words were gentle and soft, but they echo in Sebastian's mind, almost taunting him. Nothing to be done, just one of those things. She had said, he hadn't really listened to her after she had said those dreaded words. Scar tissue build up, low sperm count. Infertile.

Infertile. He, Sebastian de Portiers-Valois-Angouleme, the ultimate ladies man who had held supermodel girlfriends and now held a supermodel wife, who had always thought of children ever since his brother had his own growing brood of children, he couldn't have children. A freak accident on horseback, it wasn't even a championship ride, for crying out loud! Just a random friendly match between he, Remy and Julien and Leith. None of them had taken up horse-riding as a proper career, they all worked proper jobs with proper responsibilities now. But it had happened, an awkward jump over a few nesting rattlesnakes, an awkward landing on Forrest's back, it had forever changed his life.

He was well aware that he was repulsing jealous of what Francis had. He always had been, an available, warm mother -even if Catherine was a little terrifying from time to time- and a perfect job at his fingertips. The most beautiful woman in the world, who came with millions upon millions of pounds, and a fairytale romance. Respect and love, a stunning wedding and three -almost five- children. Two strong little sons and a Princess in the middle, his adoring wife held twin boys in her womb. He had always been jealous of Francis, even when he had Kenna in his bed. But, he envied Francis for no reason more than this. The jealousy and envy began to choke him until he was ready so spit at his brother with the most vile, purest hatred. But, Sebastian knew that it wasn't Francis' fault, he knew that well. But that didn't make it better.

"Would you like me to leave you alone?" Francis asks him quietly. Bash now looks at him. He ignores the hatred, the envy, the jealousy. All he sees is his beautiful, blonde haired, blue eyed little brother, who he had always loved.

"No." Bash's voice is quiet. "Just-just stay with me. Just sit with me."

So, Francis does just that.



It's been a little while guys, so heyy! Sorry it's been so long without an update, I've just been super busy with work and being super tired afterwards. I had a tad bit of writers block, but thankfully I've found a way to push back from it and get back to the keyboard. I've thought of a few more prompts since I've been away, and we do have a new story coming up either today or later in the week, so get ready!

I was really tempted to make this a period bit about Francis not being able to have kids, but I realised a couple weeks ago, that it fit into this narrative, so I hope you liked this brotherly bit.

Just one more bit before I sign off and start on the next one, if you have a prompt for me, please answer any and all questions I have about it. If not, it won't be written about. And if I've missed any out, please let me know so I can get on it. The one about Catherine keeping Prince Francis and Princess Mary apart is coming up soon, I've got a plot thought up, but since it's gonna be a long one, I'm saving it for the 200th piece here.

Spoiler for the next one, we're taking a trip into history and coming out in Pompeii.




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