194 - Fainting *Modern*

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Side Note - In the same AU as Part 178

Side Note - Inspired by Part 143


Henry and Sebastian de Valois-Angouleme's (and de Portiers in one of their circumstances) eyes widen when they hear a loud bang! come from the delivery room that their daughter and half sister in law was giving birth to her sixth child within. They barely take a moment to gather their thoughts before shoving the door open and pushing inside the room that Catherine had reserved for them when Mary had entered her seventh month of pregnancy.

Henry and Bash immediately set eyes upon Mary, because how can you not notice the pregnant woman first and foremost? She's in the classic birthing position, laying on the bed with her  legs spread wide open, one hand clamping down on the nurses' hand, the other clamping down onto the metal bedrail. Her face is pale and sweaty, and the birthing photographer who had been there for all five of the births stood in the corner. Mary's wearing a lilac satin birthing gown, her hair is all over her shoulders and arms, there's midwives peering at her nether regions. All seems well in the circumstance, but there's one thing missing. One tall, lanky blonde thing, who definatley was with Mary when her waters broke seventeen hours ago.

But, upon closer inspection, it's not like Francis is that hard to miss. He's on the floor, blonde curls giving him away. Sebastian laughs as he realises that the future father to six -six!- had just freaking fainted while his wife birthed their child

"Ha!" he snorts, walking over towards the limp body of his brother, helping his father rid the fretting nurses around Francis. Come to think of it, why are they focusing on Francis? Mary's the one pushing a freaking human out of her body, and Mrs. de Valois-Angouleme proves this theory by letting out another cry of pain as another contraction waves through her body. Sebastian jumps at the sudden noise, although he does chuckle as he slaps his half brother repeatedly. "Wake up, dickhead! Your kid's being born!" he says loudly, hitting Francis repeatedly.

"Stop it!" Henry hisses, ignoring the loud mealy of nurses and midwives, as well as the shrieks of his daughter in law as she gives birth. "You know Catherine'll have our balls if there's even a mark on him." he says, his voice shaking as he vigorously jiggles his secondborn child to wake him up.

"Remember what she did to Mary when she found hickeys when they were seventeen?" Sebastian grins mischievously, but he winces as Mary's screams get to a higher pitch. "Wake up, you arsehole! Your daughter is literally coming out!" he says. One more good slap, and Francis' eyes flicker open.

"W-what happened?" he mutters. Sebastian snorts.

"You fainted, you arsehole. Now, get up, your daughter is literally by there!" Sebastian points to Mary, where Henry tries very, very hard not to look, considering her state of undress at that current moment.

"Oh, God." he mutters.

"Stand up, foolish boy. And don't you dare faint again!" Henry orders.

"You are never, ever living this down." Mary pants, exhausted. "Fainting, and I'm the one having this kid!"

"I'll never let him, I don't know about you!" Bash grins, holding him up.

Francis shakes his head to clear the cobwebs, but it's his wife's cries of pain wake him up.



"Oh, she's so beautiful." Kenna de Portiers cooes at the new born baby girl. "What's her name again?"

Mary grins up at her husband, peaceful now that the new-born girl has slipped from her womb.

"Lucienna Edeline Acilia de Valois-Angouleme." Mary states, looking over at her husband as he saunters out of the bathroom. "Feeling better now, you big baby?"

Francis blushes. "I am. I take it roses and diamonds aren't gonna make up for not eating enough and uh, you know-" he scratches the back of his neck nervously.

"Possibly." she chuckles. "I can't believe you did that, five births and six kids later." she chuckles. "I thought people only fainted in TV or the films, but, no."

"He nearly went when James was born, don't you remember?" Sebastian adds cheekily. Mary smirks as Francis blushes a deeper red.

"I could give him a pass on that one, it was the first baby and all." she says. "But now? Nah, that's a funny Christmas dinner story for the next fifty years."

"It's not that far, is it?" Francis asks.

"Nope, baby girl's birthday is November twenty sixth, less than a month to go before her first Christmas." Kenna smiles widely. "Oh, I can't wait to spoil her with all the little baby Christmas things I've bought! We got some sleep suits, dresses, socks, funny little hats, oh and there'-" Mrs. de Portiers-Valois-Angouleme pauses suddenly.

"Kenna?" Mary asks.

"Francis, take Lucy." Kenna says, standing up sharply once the baby girls' father holds her.

"Love, what is it?" Sebastian asks, getting up from Mary's bedside to go stand at his wife's side.

"Bash, I think my waters just broke." Kenna whispers, pressing a hand to her large bump.


"Calm down, don't faint like I did." Francis places his hands on Sebastian's shoulders once Kenna's wheeled away to the operating theatre. 

Bash smirks, but it faults suddenly.


"Is this what it felt like, that first time with James, eight years ago?" Bash asks. "When Mary went into labor for the first time, did you feel this?"

"I was terrified, but I was so excited to meet this tiny human my wife and I wanted so much. But, I don't mean to hurt you, the baby was part of me. I don't know what it's like to see your wife go into labor with a sperm donor's child, even if the baby girl is completley yours in the ways that matter." Francis states. "But none of that matters now, we can talk later, okay?" the younger of the two spots the nurse coming to get his brother. "I'm gonna go see Mary, tell her that Kenna had to go for a C-Section. Text me when she's out, yeah?"


"Good luck, brother."

"Thanks, Francis. I love you, you know that, right?"

"Love you too, now go become a dad."


More on this AU coming soon! Please comment, we're running really low and it sucks for me to not know what you all think of these one shots on this and Frarytales.

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