120 - Princess

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"Look at her, my love." the King of France cooes down at the small bundle in his arms. "Look at our beautiful daughter." he smiles at the newborn baby that has just left his wife's womb less than two hours ago. A thumb escapes his hold upon his new child, and it stroked the newborn baby's cheek. The newborn baby girl chirped in response, stirring from her slumber. The King of France froze, seemingly ashamed that he disturbed this newly born, small person. But the baby did not cry, instead she blurted laughter and smiles up at her father, already knowing who he was to her. Francis beamed down at his newest child. He smiled in that way that fluttered his Queen's heart and brought a smile to her own face.

The exhausted Queen of France sat in her bed, propped up by feather pillows. She smiles at her husband and newly born daughter happily, her hair in complete dissaray over her shoulders and nightgown. Her skin is pale and she's still slick with sweat, but to the King of France, she is the most beautiful, ethereal being in the world. Her hands are folded gingerly in her lap, mindful of her hot and sore womb and womanhood. She squirmed lightly, in an attempt to get comfortable with the bundles of linen that the midwives had always folded and placed in her small clothes to catch blood and keep it from her gown and bed sheets. The Queen ran her fingers through her hair in an attempt to tame it, before relaxing against the pillows. She was grateful for Catherine and Nostradamus' newest concoction that dulled the pain after the child had been born gratefully. Immediately after the babe had slipped from her thighs, the concoction was passed through her lips. Mary found herself rather relaxed after taking it.

"Aren't you beautiful?" the Queen heard the King murmur. Mary looked over and saw her husband talking to their sixth child and second daughter. "One of the most beautiful things I've ever seen." he whispers, kissing the childs' head. The baby made a noise, reaching up with a small fist -unlike the twins, she didn't like being swaddled. James didn't, either- to cover her little forehead. "Oh, I'm sorry. Did my hair tickle you?" he asks quietly with a smile. The baby made a noise, burrowing into the heat of her fathers' arms.

Francis walked over towards her with the baby in his arms. "She's so beautiful, so precious." he states. Mary smiles at him, leaning up to smile down at the baby within her husbands' arms. A surprise, they hadn't been trying to get pregnant after the twins. And she had came so quick and all. A pleasant surprise, too. The Queen herself, who had always pined for male offspring more than female, found herself ecstatic of the birth of her daughter. Besides, it wasn't like they had any pressure to produce sons. They already had four, after all. "Thank you, Mary. The most beautiful gift." he states, kissing his wife's head. Mary giggled in happiness, feeling as though she'd burst with her delight. They'd gone through so much in their short lives and shorter rule, no less to have children, it'd seemed like forever ago when they actively had trouble having children. Now, parents to six. Six healthy, happy children of whom were so connected to their parents.

"You're not saying that just because she looks just like you?" The Queen asked with a smile. Francis snickered, pressing another kiss to his wife's hair, then to his daughter's cheek. The baby wined again, Mary giggling at the sight. It was true, however. This little human looked just like her father, whips of bright blonde hair with big blue eyes. Mary found herself delighted at the matter.

"No, I'd love her all the same if she looked just like you, as Anne does." he says. "But it is nice to finally have a child that looks a little like me." he sneakily states. Mary scoffs and slugs him in the arm.

"You have a namesake who is the spitting image, thank you very much." she scoffs jokingly. "And the twins have your eyes."

"A blend of us both." he says. It was true, the twin Princes, Edward and Henry were finally the perfect blend of their parents. Francis' eyes and Mary's hair. James and Anne, the eldest two, looked just like their mother, whilst little Francis was absolutely his fathers' son with his mothers' spirit.

"I love this." Mary admits quietly. She leans her head upon Francis' shoulder as he sits next to her. "Being mother to your children, raising them with you. It's perfect."

"It is." The King agrees.  "I'm forever indebted to you for these beautiful creatures." he says, kissing her head again. "What should we name her?"

Mary shrugged. "I don't know." she admits. "I always had the feeling she'd be a girl, but no name fitted." she says. "What do you want to name her?" she asked, reaching over to fix the sheet over her daughter's head. 


The Queen froze.


"Aylee." he says, his wife turning to him slowly. "I know how much you've always missed your favourite Lady. What better way to honour her memory than a Princess in her moniker?" the King asks.

Mary sniffles, wiping her tears.

"Francis, thank you." she states softly, leaning over to kiss him. "It's the perfect way, you're right." she looks down at the child that, now that she thinks about it, does indeed look a little like her dearly departed Lady in waiting, who had died in poor, dead Clarrisa's ploy to save her from Catherine. "Do you think she's watching me?" Mary asks after a pause. Her voice is quiet. "That she's proud of me?"

"I know she is, my treasure. She'd say so, too, if she were here. She loved you, and you loved her. She was loyal to you, and you to her. That's what you must remember as you move ahead in this life, with little reminders like these to help you along the way." he gestures to the little Princess. "And you have me and our children."

"I do." she kisses him again. "Aylee," she looks down at the newborn. "Princess Aylee Victoria of France and Scotland." The child makes a small noise, as if answering her mother. The King and Queen smile at their newest offspring, dreaming of the life this child would live as she grew into the Princess that she was.


Nothing better than cheesey happy Frary parents! The next couple are kinda sad, so here's some happiness for you!

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