83 - Reserves *Modern*

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Prompt - Do that mr. nobody scene with Nemo and Anna on the floor but with Frary in modern times! And Mary should be worried about something and Francis will reassure her that everything's gonna be okay!


"Francis?" Mary asked slowly, opening her eyes to look at her husband. He was so close to her, she could smell that intoxicating concoction of freshly cut grass and lime, lemon and cinnamon, pine and bluebells. A scent that was so dear to her now. A scent that she needed, a scent that would calm her. She could feel his heat, warming her own body as they lay upon the floor. How they had gotten into this position, Mary wasn't sure, but it was comforting and natural. She didn't want to ask questions and risk him pulling away, but as much as his physical body comforted her, she needed to hear his reassurances about her fears.

"Hmm?" he hummed, his eyes still closed in contentment. She could feel this fingers and thumb gently stroking her hair, only just now noticing that hers were doing the same to his long blonde locks. She bit her lip, continuing to speak. The words escaped her lips without her permission, but she knew that was the only way they'd get spoken.

"If-if it turns out, that I can't have children-" she paused, nervously. His eyes fluttered open to look at hers. That piercing gaze never failed to make her pause and made her heart stutter in her chest. She needed it now, she needed all of him.

Any other twenty one year old wouldn't have the faintest worry about childbearing, but not this set of twenty one year olds. Romantically involved ever since they were twelve, married by their parents by eighteen in a two decade long agreement made by their fathers. Their fathers had insisted that they have a child sooner rather than later, to make sure their separate business tycoons would remain under strong leadership, joined, before they died. Three years of no results had resulted in having to get tested in the worlds' best fertility clinic. Their appointment to get the results was later that afternoon, and Mary de Valois was having worries.

If something's wrong, Henry had stated towards them a few months ago, it's better to figure out what it is now, rather than waste time and have to rush having children later down the line. We can get it fixed now so we don't have to worry about it down the line.

Francis' thumb against her hair brought her back from her thoughts.

"you won't leave me, will you?" she breathed, looking into his eyes for the reassurance those azure orbs had always brought her. He smiled faintly. Infertility, they could marriage. IVF and adoption and surrogacy were options, they had plenty of other ways to have a baby. Loosing him, though, loosing him she wouldn't be able to handle.

"'Course I won't." he whispered softly. They didn't really understand why they were whispering, nobody else was in their enormous home, but it was comforting nonetheless. "I love you, and we're gonna get through this."

"I love you, too."

Francis smiled gently at her, leaning over to brush their lips together. Mary relaxed, comforted by his kiss and by his body being so close to her. With him, she could overcome anything.


Hope I did it justice! If anybody doesn't know what this scene is from, it's from Toby's movie Mr. Nobody that he did in 2009! It's a little weird but it's really good, go watch it if you haven't! Next chapter, modern frary children!

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