35 - Saviour *Modern*

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Something wasn't right. Something definatley wasn't right. He could feel it in his bones, something was very, very wrong. He didn't know what it was, but something was wrong. He could feel it in his gut when he looked over at the window and saw the neighbours' house in the distance. He could hear the music and the jeers, even though he was at least fifty yards away. Something was very, very wrong. It had to be with his little companion that took residence with her mother in that big house. He just knew it.

"Momma?" young Francis de Valois-Angoulême-Medici frowned, tugging on his mothers' wrist. Catherine looked down at her firstborn son, smiled softly at him. Catherine leaned down to fix his blonde curls tenderly, knowing how unruly they could get.

"Il mio amore." she smiled quietly in her mother tongue. "What are you doing up? You should be sleeping, my Francis." she stated. "It's very late."

"Mama, something's wrong." Francis began.

"What do you mean, mon petit?" she questioned with a frown, looking her child in the eye. The five year old boy bit at his lower lip in a symptom of his anxiety. Catherine frowned deeper, squatting at his level. "What's wrong?"

"I-I'm not sure, mama. But I know something's wrong."

"With what?"

"Mary." he clarified. Catherine cocked her head to the side. The daughter of Marie de Guise -nee Stuart- and her husbands' deceased, dear friend, took residence next door in her own large home. Catherine didn't trust Marie de Guise, she always thought something was amiss with the dark haired Frenchwoman. She wasn't sure what it was, but something told her to keep the woman away from her young as much as possible.

The child held a reputation of her own, however. Unwilling to work in her families' business, or oversee things in her daughters' rightful one until she came of age, it was little Mary who worked. She was a child star, and a little model. She had roles in major children's TV shows, as well as a few movies, too young to be thrust into such a world, but there was little Catherine could do to give the child a childhood. The mother-daughter duo regularly travelled for any roles the child had gotten, but when they were home, the dark haired little siren and her son were joined at the hip. They were inseparable, sharing the same home school tutor when little Mary was at home. They were regularly joined by her stepson and her young daughters, little Louis too young to play just yet, as well as the little girls' four closest friends. Marie never clarified why the child was so tired when the girl was over to play, but Catherine had a feeling she knew why.

"What about her, Francis?" she asked, taking his little hands in her own. He was too little to have such worry and anxiety in his head.

"I fear for her. I fear she isn't safe." he revealed. Catherine cocked her head to the side.

"What do you mean? She is with her mother, is she not?" Catherine asked him.

"Yes, but that isn't an assurance." he stated, the last word a little mispronounced. Catherine shrugged in agreement.

"Fair enough." she stated. "What would you like to do?"

"I want to see she's okay. I worry she's not. No, no, I know she's not." he stated firmly. "Don't you remember how sick and tired she looked when we saw her on Tuesday?" he asked. Catherine nodded, she did. The matriarch of the growing Valois-Angoulême-Medici clan did love that girl as if she was her own child, and she did fear for her more often than not. More times when they travelled, but Catherine knew that Marie couldn't be completley sober all of the times. Her slurs and giggles at inappropriate times proved it. Even Henry, who was absent in their children's lives quite a lot, for her enjoyed the bodies of other women and his eldest son Sebastian, over the others, could see it. And if he could, there was a problem.

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