173 - Testing Fate

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Side Note - I'm taking a few liberties with this one, but I think it's an important topic to write about. This is based after 2x04, obviously, but before Narciesse's blackmail starts to shake Frary, so somewhere in the first part of 2x05. Try not to get too confused, guys!


"Mary? Is something wrong?" the King of France asks his Queen. She lays on their bed, looking mournful yet at the same time, inquisitive. It's a near mirror image of the portrait she'd became the morning she had run off with Bash, plagued with the knowledge of the prophecy and the fear of loosing him. Except, she wears her hair straight, and the King finds himself mourning the lack of curls she had worn in their courtship and early marriage. The year of wedded life and the months of ruling France and Scotland had aged them both, and she looked far more a Queen than how she did that morning. The gown she wears is the same, beautifully hugging her curves and the tiny little waist she held, the one that was the envy of every woman in French Court. She's just as beautiful, if possible more so, but that doesn't deter the King from seeing the expression on her face, as it may a lesser man.

"I want to talk to you of something," Mary says, her voice trailing as she begins to sit up. The King waits patiently as she gets up with the elegance of regality that she'd always had, even as a chid. One different to the one his mother held when she walked the grounds of French Court, one more natural, assured. After all, his Queen was given her title from the right of her blood, whilst his mother's had been given in marriage. It meant nothing now, Henry was gone and had been for months. However, if possible, his mother's regality had increased to a disbelieving rate. That told all of court that even though they had a young King and Queen occupying the throne, there would always be two Queen's in the Court of King Francis.

"Yes?" he asks, noting how his wife doesn't say anything after she's scaled the few feet that once separated them. Her arms are folded around her midsection, she seems nervous. Her tongue scales out, she licks her lips. Francis realises then that his Queen is stalling, and takes a step closer, giving her the ghost of a smile to reassure her. In truth, Francis is a little nervous to begin this conversation, for Mary never acted like this in their marriage. She had always been so fiery and Scottish, never holding her tongue, always saying what she thought. It caused many moments of himself trying desperately to hold in his laugh or a smile whenever she duelled words with an irritating noble. One of the many things the King loves about his Queen. However, she didn't act like that now. It caused nerves to flicker in his gut, anxiety beginning to seep within his blood. Could she-

"It-it's been a few months now-" she pauses, her eyes flickering to the portrait of the heavenly cherub, that Catherine had commissioned after she had spoken to Mary after the loss of her child, (Foreshadowing a future Frarytales rewrite, everybody!) that hung a few feet away from their bed. "since I lost our-" the word goes unsaid, but they both hear it. "and-and I was thinking that-" she stutters again, biting her bottom lip for a moment. "I think I'm ready to try again. Ob-obviously we have to have a son for the succession, but I think I'm ready to try again, for a baby, for us. And-and I was just-" Francis cuts off her rambling -another thing he loved about his wife, it was adorable and endearing- by his lips. Mary makes a surprised noise for a moment, before relaxing in his arms. Her hands extend upwards, they mesh in his hair. The coldness of his gold crown chills her long fingers, but she continues to hold him close to her as their lips dance together.

"Really?" his smile is brighter than the beam of the sun, his eyes sparkle with happiness and excitement. It brings a smile to Mary's lips and she giggles at him. He looks so young in that moment, and it takes her another to realise that he is young. They both are so young, not yet in their twentieth year. The crowns they wear weather their earthly bodies, and they can do little to change this. 

She nods, humming contently. "Yes," she says. "I want to start trying again," she says.

"Well, why don't we start now?" is his cheeky reply. Mary gasps as her King picks her up and slings her onto the bed again. She giggles as he tosses the crown away, before getting comfortable on top of her. His body is warm, he engulfs her in his larger frame. She loves it, feeling so small and protected in his arms. They begin to kiss, the Queen managing to get his doublet from his shoulders. But, that is as far as they get, because the door opens with a slam.

The King and Queen jump, the now deliciously dishevelled King hopping up off his wife and turning to  their intruder. It's Catherine, because who else could it be? She walks with her usual swagger, like she owns the palace as she once did, which she does not. The other Queen of Francis' Court gives them barely a second glance, not bothering to comment on it, even though she's obviously perfectly aware of what had been about to happen and what had not.

"Francis, my son." she says. Mary blinks, not missing the silent claim the Queen Mother placed onto her son. "The Duke of Beauvais has arrived, you must greet him. The pious fool is still offended over what Henry did with his sister. I assume he's here to talk of the marriage between his youngest daughter and the son of the Earl de Montin. And after, you must personally send a letter to the German King, he's terribly angry over the border towns' little scrap in the last few days. And then-"

"Alright, alright." Francis rolls his eyes, a trait he picked up from the Queen of Scots when they were children. It's Mary who now has to hide her laughter as Catherine's eyes narrow at her son's cheek. He pulls back on his doublet with a huff as his mother begins to rattle on about his duties for the day. The King and Queen share a look as he pulls on his crown and looks to his mother.

"Marvellous-" she says. "Mary, not dressed yet? I'll send for your ladies, even that whorish one. You must dress in red today, my dear. It softens the Countess of Lile, you must convince her to sell shares of her dead husband's satin mill, she oversees it for her oldest son, he's only eight, you see. And after-"

"Mother, I'm sure Nathaniel and Matthias will be sure to run us through our days." Francis cuts in. "I'm sure you wish to accompany me to the Duke?"

"Without question, I can soften him up if he doesn't agree with you, he has a taste for women less delicate than his wife-"

"Don't you dare speak of things like that, I haven't yet held my morning meal, I don't want to loose it just yet-" he sends a look Mary's way as Catherine drags him out of the room, beginning to scold him for talking to her in such a way. Mary giggles at him, blowing a kiss, as the door closes. She laughs to herself, getting out of bed again.



I hope you liked this little piece, I thought it was important to talk about trying again after miscarriage in Frary's life. I've not really seen it talked about in any fanfics, maybe with Kennash or Cathry, but not Frary. Apart from the one sentence in 2x05, the two didn't really talk about it after that, and I wish they would have. Maybe a sentence in 2x12, but it obviously never came to anything. I thought it was interesting to put a humorous spin on it with Catherine walking in on them, just making it lighter and fluffier. Did you guys like it? Comments please!

Just one thing before I go, I'm thinking of writing a more sexier Frary in the future, so would you like to see it? I'm gonna be posting it on my fanfiction account if I do decide to do it, but I literally never get any feedback on anything I write on there. I find it funny that everything else gets like 10+ reviews and I never get any, but I'm iffy on posting it on this site. I know I've added a little saucy element here and there, so I'm curious to know if you all would be interested? Let a girl know!

I've had a barrage of requests about/including Jean-Phillipe, so chances are that those will be posted next, so I hope you enjoy!

Stay safe, be kind.




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