125 - Daises

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The blonde Dauphin of France looks down at his lap, the grass and the daises surrounding him. The day was warm, a serene spring merging within a bright summer. The grass was lemony and pungent and the brightest shade of green. Decorated with daises and dandelions, freshly cut and well groomed. The French air was warm and sweet, fresh and comforting.

The future of the European monarchy sat close to each other. No elder than several years old, the two sat cross legged, facing each other. The Prince's blue velvet doublet sat cleanly folded away from them, the Queen's bright white little dress glowing in the heat of the sun, contrasting with the grass in which she sat upon.

Echoes of musicians floated past them, remnants of little Charles' first birthday celebrations the Queen of France had thrown. Tiring of the loud sounds and the too sweet food, the two of them had taken refuge on the other side of the courtyard, protected by guards and given privacy by the length of the grounds in which they lived upon.

"Are you sure about this?" he hummed nervously, looking down the grassy expanse that his betrothed had had the idea of rolling down. Apparently, she did this frequently in the summers of her homeland when the priory began to get too dull for words. And when she grew tired of several hours of etiquette or amnesties, the nannies had finally taken pity on their exhausted Queen, and let her out to play with her ladies and Sterling.  

"Don't be such a mossback." she sang, already pushing her hair behind her ears, caring little for the finery of her little white gown, embroidered by flowers and lace. It was a gift from Diane de Portiers, the madame of the nursery. The Queen Consort of France had been furious when the little Queen Regnant of Scotland turned up for the days festivities wearing this dress, but that hardly mattered. It was the King she had to keep happy after all, especially after the latest episode of rough wooing had came to an end, thanks to the King of France's aid. And he had been delighted to see her in the pretty white skirts. Her jewellery had been removed, sitting atop of Francis' doublet. It was heavy and uncomfortable.

He noticed she looked a great deal more like Mary, rather than the Queen of Scotland right now. Even at a tender age, Francis did know how to distinguish from the person and the ruler, whomever he may be analysing. And although she did enjoy jewellery -many women did, his mother included, although she liked it a lot more than Mary did- it was hardly practical for running around in. Propriety be damned.

"It'll be fun-" she continues, choosing not to say anything about the amount of time he had been staring at her. "besides," the small Queen says. "the day's been awfully dull. It's not even about Charles, it's about your mother flaunting her wealth and your father placating the nobility. We deserve some fun!" she chirps, laying down onto the grass, at the hilt of the hill, before the decline. "Join me?" Mary asks, looking at him with her big greenish eyes.

"You have to ask?" He'd follow her anywhere, not that he'd say that, of course.

Mary counted them down, before they were rolling down the hill. Shrieks of laughter and pleasure erupted from the children, although it was a little startling for the small Dauphin at the start. All he could see was the contrast of the bright blue sky and the dark, mossy grass, spinning in one long spiral as his body continued to roll down the hill. Grass, sky, grass, sky, grass, sky, grass, sky, grass, sky, grass, sky, grass, sky,

Finally, they came to a stop. Although dizzy, the children lay onto the dewy grass and continued to laugh in delight of their little game. Laying like that, sprawled over bright green grass, their clothing and hair askew, the duo hardly looked like the future of European monarchy, but it hardly mattered.

Francis sat up first, mopping the dew from his face. The blonde realises that they've gotten covered in spare flower petals and dandelion fuzz. He cares not of it. Francis turned to her as she slowly pulled herself up, but Mary lacked the effort to fully sit up. She lays with her legs curled under her skirts, bare arms digging into the dewy greenness as she propped herself up, her joy evident in the glowiness of her eyes and her face. Again, the Dauphin found himself staring at this little Queen, who couldn't physically be any more different to anybody he had ever known, least of all a Queen.

Like that, she is so beautiful. Her cheeks rosy from adventure, her long, dark hair as wild and untameable as her spirit. Long eyelashes dancing on their own, in a waltz known only to them in the soft breeze. She is so beautiful, without the boy even noticing it. But that's fine. He has plenty of time to notice her beauty in the months and years to come. But even now, not even having reached his eighth year of life, the boy feels something for this girl that he feels for no other. Not his mother or sisters, not his little companions all holding the same moniker as the girl before him. He knows when it started, two years and a season ago, when this small siren allured him towards her, barely even five years old. He doesn't know what it is, but that's fine. The butterflies he feels inside and the jitters are enough for now.

Without thinking, he leans over and plucks a little daisy from the from the grass and goes over to his future wife. Gently, he slides it within the soft, thick, dark tresses of her hair. The white and the yellow glow in the blackness of it all.

He pulls back, a flush upon his own cheeks. Mary's large eyes slide open, he is not sure when they closed, but he has a pretty good idea. They stare at each other, not saying a word. They hardly need to.

Finally, the girl's lips stretch into a large smile. A nervous beam lifts the boy's lips. They begin to giggle, pulling each other up for another go on the large hill.


Tiny baby Frary is the best!

Make sure you read the Frarytales rewrite I'm doing about Mary + Lola before reading the next oneshot!

As always, feedback is welcome and so are requests and prompts. And all requests I've gotten are still in the process of being written, but I've got a ton of backdated oneshot stuff, as well as planning for a few more books, so please bare with me!

Stay safe, be kind.




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