33 - Cold

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"Your Majesty?" a soft voice asked, leaning down to little Mary's ear as the seven year old Queen lay upon the high up mattress. The girl whimpered in vain, her head tilting to the side. The sheen of sweat upon her little pale face was highlighted by the amount of lit candles near the young Queen of Scotland. She swallowed thickly, pretty features twisted in strain. Her tall, but childishly small, limbs were covered in a white nightgown, dwarfed by the thick Scottish blankets that were used in the harshest days of winter -some were taken with her when she came to France just over two years ago, others being gifts sent to her by Marie de Guise- and she lay limply in her bed. The Queen was flocked by her three personal physicians as well as the two dozen French ones drawn in from as many corners of the country. The King and Queen stood closely to the future Consort to France, with the future regnant wrapped up in one of her blue blankets, staring intently at his future bride, even though he couldn't see her over the high up mattress.

Francis' blonde curls were stuck to his forehead with his own fever. His skin was slick with perspiration, pretty blue eyes dull with sickness in his own right. A dusting of redness decorated his nose and his cheeks, and he was otherwise pale. He was sickened, but the pretty little Dauphin did look a considerable amount better than his Scottish counterpart. But what could one expect? After all, it had been Mary that was the target for the attack and not himself.  The Queen of Scotland would always be in danger, far more than him.

It had been horrid time in the children's short lives. For three days ago, the two of them playing around in the courtyard with Sebastian and the Mary's, and somehow the two of them had gotten separated from their group of children. The future rulers of France had gotten cornered by two English assassins. The Queen as the target and the Prince as the collateral. They were cornered, and the encounter ended with the children being held under the water of the lake. Mary had managed to draw one of the assassin's blades to her own hand to gain some distance, another blade being used to release her future husband. The assassins has been tortured until they were killed -after the King's guards had heard the scuffle- and the children were lead to safety. It was just unfortunate that the chill of the water had caused a chill in the children.

"Can you hear me, highness?" Nostradamus gruffed, working together with a red headed, green eyed man in red tarps to try and bring relief to the young Queen of Scots. Aforementioned little girl didn't respond with words, only with a whimper, a small hand going to her sweaty head to try and wipe away the water.

"She's going to be okay, mama?" Francis asked, his voice gruff with congestion and sickness. Henry glanced at his meek little wife.

"We can only hope and pray, mon petite." Catherine stated, kneeling down to the boy's height, her little pregnancy belly sticking out from her peach lace gown. It wasn't so big that she had lost her grace just yet, but it did effect her balance a tad. "But your reinette is strong, yes? It'll take more than a slight chill to chip her." she smiled a little, more for his benefit than for hers. For reasons unbeknownst to her -let alone the Court and King-  the little Queen of Scotland had the ability to vex the Queen Consort of France more than anybody in the world. She irritated her like no other, and never fully accepted her into the Court. The only person she resented more than the Queen of Scots was Sebastian himself, who had gotten a sharp scolding for not staying with his little brother and protecting him. She hadn't told him that, Catherine found it hard to even look at the child, let alone talk to him, but it had been Henry and Diane. Mistress de Portiers because Bash's future relied on Francis' affection for him, the King because although his little bastard was his favourite son, it was Francis who was the heir. It was the blonde who would always be more important.

The little Dauphin looked up at a firmilar sound. He pushed his mothers' hands away from her, walking over to the bed. The noise happened again, a smile slowly making itself known to the Dauphin's little face. The little groan in his future bride's mother tongue, one that Mary Seton told him was a curse, but was blushing too much to tell him what it meant.

The Queen made the noise again and Francis walked up to the bed, stepping on his tip toes to see her face a little bit. He could see the blankets and the various tonics, most of which he didn't recognise. It was probably from Scotland, but he didn't focus on that. No, he focused on Scotland's Queen as she stirred once more. 

Mary stilled as his hand reached up and grasped hers. The discomfort on her face disolved like ice on a summer's morning. He gave her his best smile as her pretty eyes opened up for the first time in too many hours.

"Francis." she stated softly, her voice croaky and cracking with the exertion.

"It's me, ma reine."


Hey guys!

Thought I'd pop in here and give you all a little head's up about our future. It's gonna get crazy for the next little bit, so I'm not gonna be on here as much anymore (for a while, anyway) but I did think of a little compromise. In the times that I won't be updating, I will be handwriting little one shots or rewrites. And when I have a free moment, I will be typing whatever I've done out and letting you guys see it on Wattpad Land. Sound good? I've been doing it for about two weeks, just jotting down some prompts, and I do have some pieces that I've written that are ready to be typed up sooner rather than later.

A couple little announcements for you;

- The billionaires daughter will be put on hold again. Once again, no plot, don't have time to think of one. Don't wanna continue it until I do have a full plot.

- Le Blanc Duchesse will be made into a mini book sooner rather than later. I'm gonna take it down for a bit and edit it since it was written like four years ago and I have gotten better at writing since then. I had a random burst of inspiration a couple days ago and I'm definatley gonna be writing about it.

- The Frary kid period story is in the works, and the begging stages are being planned out. But it's not gonna be published until the plot is finalised and that's gonna take a while with recent developments :)

- Nerverum (Go read if you haven't!) is gonna be updated every seventh as usual, that's gonna be the only one with consistent updates until I can get life on track.

- If you could go over to Frarytales and show 1x07, 2x05, 2x06 and 1x14 a little bit of love, that would mean a lot. It's a oneshot book that rewrites some Frary/Reign scenes that I didn't like/didn't agree with. Always taking prompts for that as well as this one!

I think that's it right now, but if I think of something/remember something, It'll be put down in the comments. 

Love you guys!

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