51 - Moving

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"Your Majesty," Mary's squire stated, bowing behind his King as the King took court for the evening. He looked up as the fair haired King turned his head to see his bastard nephew better. The young man, who had came to France with his Queen -to her second enscourgence within French Court- when he was just eleven years old in her custody, seemed panicked to the young King. His eyes were wide, his cheeks flushed a soft rose, like he had been running at a brisk pace for a number of minutes. The King of France and Scotland felt a horrid sense of dread in his stomach, for there were only a few reasons in which this young man would be sent for him so urgently.

"What is it?" Francis asked, turning from the privy council who picketed about the Bologne issue and the slight disturbance in eastern Dunkirk.

"It's the Queen, your Majesty." he rushed out. Francis blinked. "The Queen wishes to see you." he finished.

"What is it? Is it the babe?" Francis asked, leaning out of his throne. The privy council seemed to silence from the squire's words and the King's reaction to them.

"I am unsure, my King. But the Queen wishes to see you immediately." he stated strongly. Francis shot up from his throne and ignored his council's grumbles and protests as he stormed from the throne room and over towards he and Mary's chambers.

The King of France shoved open the doors, blinking at the sight of multiple women frittering around in his chambers. His mother was there, laughing in delight, something that was really rather odd in hearing. He could see Mary's ladies hovering by the room, their smiles nearly breaking their faces. Even Lola, who had lost her child and her husband to stillbirth and a fire not that long ago. None of them gave him any mind but the ravenette Queen who lay in the bed, propped up against the overstuffed pillows.

The room gasped as he entered at such a brisk pase, the doorknob hitting against the wall and echoing with the riptide. The ladies curtseyed to the floor at his abrupt entrance. Mary simply smiled at his face drawn with worry. She reached out a hand to him as he scaled their substantial chambers with only a few large lunges.

"Sweetheart," Francis called, ignoring the russtles of the ladies' skirts as they bowed to him. "What is it?" he asked. "I was sent summons from Fredrick, I feared the worst." he rushed, taking her hand, stroking the teal and gold satin embroidery of her sleeved gown. "What is it? Is it the baby?" he asked her, looking intently down at her. The King removed his hand from the Queen's to lay it upon her cheek that had thinned out with the horrid first three months of morning sickness. Mary smiled at his face drawn with concern. She placed her hand on his other wrist and brought it to her abdomen. He looked at the bulge that hid behind her gown.

The King gasped as he felt a small tap against his hand. Mary giggled at his reaction as the babe moved within her again, a small foot reaching out to kick at her stomach again.

"Good God." Francis breathed.

"It's your son, my love." Mary smiled softly. "That's your son."



Hope you like this little fluffy piece. In this universe, lola had a stillbirth and Francis never found out about the baby. Also, Mary never had the miscarriage like in 2x04. This leads nicely into a question for you all.

I need a consensus from you all. I have a mini book planned about Frary and Kennash and would love to write and post it, but I'm kinda iffy to post it. The reason for it is because the world is the way is right now, I do wanna entertain you all and make you all happy, seeing as though we all do need some happiness right now. Now, this mini book and the other parts for Harm and Worries are kinda dark. The mini book is really dark, more than the others. I know I've always said that I want to entertain, not please, but with the world being the way it is now, I want to give you all a little shot of happiness as much as I can with the little platform I have on this site. So..would you guys want me to write it and post it right now (cause I do think it'll be entertaining) or wait until this whole thing blows over and just keep posting more happier stuff?

Love you all :)


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