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Tyler and I caught a bus to his practice rink. We could've walked, but the blistering eight degree weather, topped with wind, was too much to be out in for long. Both of us were bundled tightly against the weather, but our heavy coats did nothing to protect against the slicing wind.

I was actually excited to enter the ice rink. It was warmer inside, which was a weird concept. We warmed up in the lobby for a few minutes, Tyler pointing out little things about the place. Then he took me into the practice rink itself. I wrinkled my nose at the initial smell.

There was a younger kids team flying around the ice, so skilled on skates at such a young age. I used to be able to skate that good. My siblings still could. I'd given the hobby up when I discovered my love for aquatic life and the beach.

We watched the kids play for a bit. Then Tyler took my hand, making me blush.

"Do you know how to skate?"

"Um. Kinda. I haven't skated in like...ten years." He grinned.

"Wanna skate?" He motioned over at the rink on the left side, where families were gliding or slipping over the ink. There was more falling and slipping than anything else. I hesitated. I didn't want to make a fool of myself, especially in front of someone who wore skates more than regular shoes.

"It's ok, really. I'll help you balance if you don't remember how." It was as if he'd read my mind. Or maybe it was the glaring apprehension on my face. Either way, his soft words convinced me.

"Ok...I guess." His grin was addicting. Still holding my hand, he lead me to the skate rental area.

I found out rather quickly that the rentals were only for me. A staff member disappeared after she'd given me my skates, returning with a bag from who knows where. She handed the duffel to Tyler. He explained as he pulled a pair of heavy hockey skates out.

"We keep skates here, just like the main rink. I'd rather use my own skates." I nodded, watching him as he expertly laced up the tall skates. I followed suit with my figure skates, much slower as my slightly numb fingers worked with the laces. Tyler finished way before I did. "Need some help?" I looked up, blushing at the way he was watching me.

"Yes please." I let out a gasp as Tyler's hand swept my foot onto his lap. I hadn't been expecting that. Like his own skates, he laced up mine in seconds. I felt embarrassed in my lack of ability.

Tyler stood, making it look easy. I kept forgetting how natural this was for him. I wobbled as I tried to stand quickly. I yelped and grabbed for him. He started to laugh, but stopped when he saw my glare. Still smirking, he led me to the rink.

I moved slower than him, trying to get used to the feeling of heavy skates on my feet again. My eyes found the ice that we were quickly approaching. My toe hesitated to touch the ice. Tyler reached out a hand, inviting me to join him on the slick surface. Finally, I accepted.

It took me awhile to warm up. At first, I held onto his arm as tightly as possible, taking little glides. I remembered how to skate, but forcing my legs to work with my brain was hard. Tyler's abilities didn't help me. He could skate backwards and weave through people, leading me with our hands intertwined tightly. After a few laps around, someone recognized him. It was a girl, probably around sixteen. She proudly was wearing a Blackhawks sweatshirt, though her skate skills weren't hockey level. I was one to talk. With wide eyes, she approached Tyler.

" Are you Tyler Dewalt?" His grin was obvious.

"Yep. That's me."

"Can I have your autograph? And a picture?" She looked to her mother, who was grinning encouragingly. The older woman handed the girl a sharpie. I skated back a little, watching as Tyler posed for a picture. Then he signed the hat the girl was wearing. I had to grin at how excited he was. When the girl shakily skated away, he glided back to me.

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