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I knew Tyler was nervous for this game. I was too. My hands were squeezed tightly at my sides as I waited for the telltale signs of the team entering the rink. My heart slammed against my chest in vibrating nerves. Oh God, please let this game go well.

Finally, the warm-ups ended and I was witnessing the face off. One rotation later brought him into my view. The shiny 'Dewalt' easily caught my eye from the center position. When he caught a pass and starting to take the puck up the ice, I held my breath. Could he do it? Could he pull off the move? I knew he'd been working on it for weeks, all in preparation for this one game.

The arena collectively held its breath as he came at the goalie with speed and precision. When the shot was deflected off of the tender's arm, I deflated. He hadn't tried the move. And he hadn't scored. I could only hope that another opportunity would present itself.

I didn't have long to wait. Another pass was perfectly centered to his position. My mouth opened slightly as he began to perform the move. First pulling the puck far to the right, faking the goalie out. Then he brought the it back across, flipping the black plastic upwards from behind both his legs. The tip in was nothing but net. I let out a shriek of excitement. The sound immediately turned to tears. To enforce my emotions, the announcer's words were magical.

"Number twenty one, Hunter Dewalt. His first career goal in his NHL debut." I tuned out the rest in my excitement.

Strong arms wrapped around me. I whimpered. I was so proud. He'd done it. He'd officially made his debut. Tears pricked at my eyes.

"He's in." Tyler's voice was rough in my ear. I grinned against his chest.

"Our boy's in." I agreed. I shouldn't be this emotional, right? I couldn't help myself. My first born son, finally playing in his father's footsteps. Or rather, his father's skates.

When my eyes returned to the ice, I found him again. Number twenty one, under the name of a legend. My son. My wonderful son. I wondered about the fate of my other two boys. Would Griffin and Blake take up the NHL life, just like their father and brother had?

Would Tyler's name become history in more ways than one? Father and sons, the eternal legacies. The National Hockey League would be hard pressed to forget the name Dewalt. And I was just lucky enough to have it as my own for the rest of my life.

We'd been through dark times. We'd laughed and we'd cried together. We'd survived injuries, long distances, and arguments. We'd overcome the hardships of life. We weren't naive kids any more. We were husband and wife with three talented sons.

I wondered what nineteen year old Halle would think of me now. What would she have done if she'd been able to see the future when that player fatefully crashed through the glass right in front of her? Would she have liked what she saw? Would she want that life back then?

The past's 'what-ifs' didn't matter. I was here now. I'd grown and matured. I'd raised three wonderful sons. I wasn't Halle Finch anymore. I was Halle Dewalt until the day I died.

Nothing could ever change how my life had turned out. I couldn't ask for anything else.

I had Tyler. Tyler had me. In the end, that was all we needed.

The hockey legend and his angel in the stands.

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