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A little more than a month after we'd met Tyler's family, our new apartment was finally ready to move into. Tyler had yet to see the living space, but our things were all there already. My friends had helped me move our things in whenever Tyler was away.

Between moving in, starting my new classes, and helping Lyndsey plan her wedding, I'd been quite occupied while Tyler was away. February flashed by without a second glance. I settled into my classes with ease. Although it was strange, having people in my class who knew who I was and who I was dating. The city might've been big, but I was no stranger to its inhabitants.

I'd dove right back into my schoolwork, not wanting to be behind any more than I had to. There were going to be days where I missed because of traveling or something else important. Hopefully not many, but when they came I wanted to be ready. The schooling here wasn't nearly as intense, and fit into my schedule well.

In addition to my gloriously decorated new apartment, Tyler had convinced me to go get my dream car. Although it hadn't been a dream until I'd seen the sleek model online. Tyler didn't mind that he was paying for a lease on a new car, claiming that he'd rather see me being able to get around when he had the Mercedes. I ended up with a silvery-blue BMW, brand new M3 model. The car was slick and sporty and absolutely 'me.' I wondered how my parents would react if they saw me driving the elegant and expensive vehicle around.

With so much change in such a short amount of time, I felt older and more experienced. I had my life figured out. A steady relationship, a place to live, and a school I liked. What more could I ask for? It felt like I was living the dream. The only hard part was how often Tyler was away. I was a dutiful watcher when he played, but that wasn't enough when I missed him. At least I wasn't alone. I had Taylor and Lyndsey. And Alex, when she came in from Lugano.

The first day of March, Tyler finally came home. He'd be home for five straight games before leaving again. It was time to show him our new home, away from the prying eyes of Kirby and his girlfriend. I strongly disliked the blonde girl, but it looked like Hannah was sticking around. It might've helped impressions if she didn't look down on all the girlfriends and wives like we were pesky bugs. I wasn't the only one who noticed the way she tried to make eyes at Tyler. She was lucky I wasn't prone to jealousy. Although the thought of having to see her the next night at the game left a sour taste in my mouth.

I grabbed my keys from the smooth quartz counter of the kitchen island. I did a quick once over of the apartment before leaving. Normally, Tyler drove himself to the airport. This time, I'd insisted on driving him to and from the landing strip. I wanted him to get the full experience of pulling up to our new apartment building and going up the floors. I hoped he liked the renovations and furniture Lauren and I had decided on. It had mostly been the interior designers choices, and I'd listened to her gladly. I didn't regret that.

I'd grown more comfortable with city driving in the past month. Having to fight the traffic was a normal every day when I drove to class. I was just glad I didn't have class today. One outing in a day was enough for me. Once I was situated in my car, I plugged in the airport address. As soon as I cleared the main part of the city, it wasn't as miserable of a drive to the airport. I was thankful it wasn't the main one of the city. This one was closer and easier to access. The lack of traffic surrounding the strip was a relief.

I showed my sticker of admittance to the security guard, who waved me into the private parking lot. I spotted the familiar cars of Tyler's teammates. Carefully, I pulled into an empty spot next to Dylan's Audi. The silver car was taller than my BMW, so my sight was blocked from the runway. I debated moving, but decided not to. Hopefully Tyler would get the text I'd sent him.

Two songs later, my ears were roughly assaulted by the roar of a plane's engine. I sat up, watching it idle in through Dylan's car window. When it was out of sight, I texted Tyler again. I watched as teammates began to disperse to cars. Some waved if they noticed me. Finally, Tyler and Dylan appeared in from of my car. Tyler said something to Dylan, then got into the car. He grinned at me.

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