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I stopped when I heard the door open. Tyler stiffened under me, his torso muscles tensing. I twisted, ready to glare at the intruder.

My confidence faltered when I saw who it was. Hannah, the girl Kirby had brought with him. She looked right past me, smirking at Tyler.

"Oh, sorry. Where's the bathroom?" Tyler looked annoyed.

"Next to Kirby's room. Tell him to keep track of his things." I was surprised at how aggravated he sounded. Hannah looked annoyed. She gave me a withering look before flouncing away.

I was put off. I felt like I'd just been snubbed. How could I miss how her eyes had been all over Tyler? At least his reaction slightly consoled me. For the first time since Tyler and I had started dating, I felt jealously over who he was. A heavy sigh escaped me. I didn't resist when Tyler's hands rested on my waist and pulled me next to him.

"Don't go and get grumpy on me now." I turned to look at him quickly.

"What? I'm not."

"You are. I know you too well." He tapped my nose. I rolled into his bare chest.

"What time are you leaving tomorrow?" He let out a sigh.

"Early. I'm sorry I'm leaving you here for a few days." I smiled slightly.

"It's ok. Tay and Lynds will be here. I won't be alone. You'll be back Monday right?"

"Yeah. We have a game Tuesday night."

"Ok. I'm leaving Wednesday. So that'll work." I smiled up at him, for real this time. Tyler's green eyes ensnared me. His lips found the top of my head.

"Thank you for being so understanding Halls."


Thanksgiving passed, and then Christmas came far too soon. The month of December fizzled away as if a child had dropped their cotton candy in a puddle. I'd finally settled on my future college plans with my parents. Over two Skype sessions, we'd agreed on what I would be doing.

Somehow, they agreed to let me transfer to Chicago. The only condition was that I got a job as soon as I moved here. I'd agreed to apply as soon as I moved my things in. The plan was already set. I'd notified my landlord that I would be out by the twentieth. Tayler and Lyndsey were flying down, then we'd be renting a van to take all my things back up.

Over the course of the month of December, I'd slowly been pawning off the things I didn't need anymore. My bed frame, small appliances, and even some smaller pieces of furniture that I owned. My couch was the hardest thing to part with. I was going to miss the loveseat that had been passed down from college student to college student for a few bucks. I'd reluctantly watched as two frat guys loaded the couch into a truck and drove away.

By the time the fifteenth rolled around, I was living in a mostly empty apartment, surrounded by boxes and suitcases. My mattress was the last thing to go two days later. I'd been planning on using a sleeping bag, but there was no point. I couldn't find rest anyway. The next day, I would be saying goodbye to this apartment where so much had happened. I'd drive through campus one last time. While everyone had the assurance they'd be back after Christmas break, I'd know I wouldn't be back to Duke. It was a melancholy thought, even though I knew exactly what I wanted.

By morning, I could hardly wait for my friends to arrive. They landed at seven, but the drive to Durham took longer. I was pacing for hours before I got a text from Lyndsey. As soon as my phone buzzed, I was out the door.

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