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On the actual game day of All Star week, I sat with Lauren, Alex, and a few other girlfriends. After the first three days of spending time together, Lauren was already suspicious of what I was keeping from her. She'd come to know me fairly well when we were decorating the apartment. Well enough to know that I was acting a little off.

When I got up to go to the bathroom for the fifth time in half an hour, Lauren followed me. She waited until I came out of the stall to say something. Her arms were crossed and her eyes were narrowed. I had a feeling I knew what she was about to say.

"You're pregnant, aren't you?"

"What makes you think that?" I feigned innocence.

"Because you haven't touched a single drink this whole time, you were sick yesterday morning and missed press. And you've been peeing like crazy."

"So...does that mean pregnant to you?"

"Yes. You also deleted your socials. So did Tyler. Something's up."

"Ok. Fine." She started to squeal. "But you can't tell anyone! Seriously. We're keeping quiet for awhile. That's why we disabled Instagram. Clear off media for a bit."

"I totally get it. You guys are gonna be the cutest parents. Makes me want to get on Connor about having a kid."

"This was in no way planned Laur. Don't get your hopes up. And anything can happen. I'm only seven weeks along. I have to acne to show for it." I scowled at my reflection as my fingers brushed over the bumps on my chin. I'd tried to smother the red skin with concealer, but it hadn't exactly worked.

"Oh stop Hall. You literally look like you're glowing. If you didn't mind people knowing you'd be killing it with your confidence." I groaned.

"I know. I'm going to be self conscious about a bump for the next few months. Hopefully I can finish the season."

"You'll be fine. I think you're so tiny it'll barely show." I blushed.

"I don't know. Feel like I've eaten enough junk food this past month that I'm doomed."

"Don't you work out like crazy though?"

"Yeah Tayler and I go to the gym a lot. Mostly yoga. Sometimes body pump. Ty wants me to ease up to be safe when I get closer."

"I can't help you there. You'd have to check in with doctors to see what's safe, I guess. Ready to go back out?" I nodded. We left the bathroom together. Unless people paid close attention to us WAGs, we were basically undetectable. We weren't wearing team paraphernalia. Just normal clothing appropriate for the weather. It was the only reason I hadn't been more careful with my words. I could've been anyone right now. Not Tyler Dewalt's girlfriend. Just some girl. Flying under the radar.

This game was Pacific versus Central, Tyler against Connor. We'd casually watched the first game, not particularly interested. This one was different. Lauren and I were rooting against each other for this game. I cheered loudly when Tyler sailed onto the ice, just to irk the blonde next to me. Alex and I cheered for Elvis as well.

Tyler kicked off the quick pace with an easy goal, assisted by the Colorado Avalanche forward Nathan MacKinnon. Lauren threw her hand up when Connor answered with his own score, leveling the board again. They bounced back and forth for the first segment of the game. Elvis couldn't keep every shot away. It was obvious from the shared words between the forwards at the end of the first that this was a competition. Maybe friendly, but still a definite battle of skill.

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