The Fight

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The events happen straight after 'The Forest'

I am in a deep mess right now. Really, really deep mess. I know the brown wolf felt it too. A powerful tug deep in his core. A strong push, making two forever bonded souls get closer to each other. 

We are mates. I'll become forever dependent on this man. He will never leave my side. He won't let me out. I'll be his possession. A million other thoughts race through my mind in just a second. This will be my life right now. 

Hell no. This will not happen to me. I don't want to be anyone's mate. I know what it means for a girl to find one. It doesn't end well for her if she doesn't want to cooperate. Wolves are territorial, overprotective, aggressive, instincts driving them, not the logic. They will do anything to get to keep their mates for themselves. 

But I won't leave my family for any man.

The brown one completely shifts his behavior now. He starts gently licking my wound, poking me with his nose, but I'm not having this shit. I growl, my lips baring sharp canines, ordering him to step the hell away from me. He seems not to care at all ant pokes me with his nose again. 

Like hell I am coming with you, stupid mutt.

Seeing my stubbornness, he steps back and shifts to his human form. He is tall, really tall, with ivory hair and icy, wild eyes. A viking, my first thought was. ''Shift'' he orders me with a strange accent. No emotion in his voice.

Sure, dude, I will. I will definitely lose the only weapon I have. My sharp teeth.

''Shift now''. His aura explodes around him. A pure, brutal power, radiating from him. My wolf inside screams at me to do what he says. Great, an alpha. Just when I though this situation couldn't get worse.

I should be afraid. I should bare my neck to him, crouch down, accepting his authority over me. And yes, this man scares me to death. I don't know what to do, I want to go home, to my brothers safe embrace. My brother, oh god. My poor Keenan must be worried sick. And I am terrified.

But I won't submit. Anger rises in me, overwhelming my fear, my pain, my panic. I am not planning to go with this man anywhere. I know he will drag me to his pack and lock me away, ripping me from my family forever. And I have no plans leaving them, mate or not. 

His tone is harsh, demanding me to yield, but I am my father's daughter. Always too proud, too stubborn, impossible to tame. My father used to say that the wilderness lives in me, bringing storms and raging winds through my skin for the world to feel.

So I become the wilderness itself.  

I gather all my strength, all the storms inside me, all the blizzards and wind. The feel of power rise in me, energy filling my body once again. I jump to my feet, ignoring the crushing pain in my left thigh and brace myself for what I am about to do. I will most likely get instantly killed by this fucker, but it's better than all of this shit. And well, I do a lot of stupid shit when I'm angry. So, going against all my instincts, I bare my teeth, push myself forward and jump on blue eyed monster to rip his throat out.

But the man is fast, just in time shifting to a wolf. We crash together on the ground and I manage to bite his neck, ripping hairs and skin out, my nails digging in his soft stomach. I unleash myself on him, drawing more blood. 

I guess he did not expect me to be like this, I took him by surprise. But a second later, he attacks me back, sinking his teeth in my flesh. I can't feel anything but my overpowering rage, unleashing myself on him. We continue this vicious, bloody dance for another few minutes, neither me nor him wanting to give up. 

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