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I woke up in my study undisturbed. It was late in the morning now, I definitely overslept. For the first time ever, Ronan didn't come to drag me back in his bedroom for the night. I guess he was pleased enough of me yesterday... Stupid mutt.

Slowly, I stood up, afraid that the monster bursting out of the door any second. But the door stayed closed, calming down my nerves. I looked down, frowning - I was still wearing the same sweater and pants from yesterday. I needed to shower and change.

So I opened the door, trying not to make a sound, and headed for his bedroom. He shouldn't be there at this hour, right?

I was lucky - the room was empty, undisturbed. Quickly, I grabbed some fresh clothes from the wardrobe and headed to the shower to freshen up. When I was done, I rushed down the stairs to the kitchen to help the girls.

Mira was the first one I saw. She was in the middle of sweeping the floor. As soon as she noticed me, she stopped in her tracks, nodding to me, turning her neck towards me a little. Even though I won a fight against her, I wasn't expecting this respect. It was strange to see a girl who tormented me all this time is now baring her neck in submission. But I only nodded back at her, saying hello to the other women. Hanna was nowhere to be seen.

We spent all morning and afternoon preparing the meat - apparently, the males went for a hunt this morning to restock the food resources. When we were done, it was already dusk outside - I hated how quickly the darkness came during winter. I hated winter in general. 

It was getting a little cold in the house, so I went outside to grab some wood for the fire, stacking them up in my arms.

''Good evening'' silky voice wrapped around me, close to my ear. ''Fuck, god damn it'' I cursed as logs fell from my hands due to me jumping in fright. I turned around, only to be met with a pair of orange-red eyes, flicking in mischief. Great, I'll have to deal with Ethan now...

He smiled at me, flashing teeth. A feline smile. ''Here, let me help you'' he purred, with slight mockery in his voice, bending to pick the wood.

The darkness seemed to press around him, cling to his skin. Even though it was freezing outside, he only wore a leather jacket on top of his sweater and slim fitting jeans. When we started walking back to the pack house, I inspected him closer. Everything about him radiated almost palpable ease and grace. He intimidated me even more than Ronan did.

Finally, we reached the pack house and went to the fireplace in the big living room. Ethan fed the flames with the wood he brought and cozy orange light started warming my freezing skin. The room was deserted. Strange. Usually this place is full of people at this time of the evening.

''Where is everyone?'' I asked, hating the silence. Ethan slumped in the armchair, stretching his long legs. ''They are celebrating their successful hunt, I think I saw the bunch of idiots going to one of the other houses.'' So I will have a nice quiet evening only for myself as Ronan will definitely be with them. ''Great, thanks for helping with the logs.'' I turned around, intending to spend the rest of the night reading or even practicing the piano, but Ethan was faster. He jumped in front of me, blocking my exit. 

''Have a drink with me.'' 


I was laying on a couch now, one hand holding a glass of bourbon, another draped under my head. Ethan was sitting on the floor, his back leaned to the couch I was laying on. I was already tipsy from a strong drink, but the conversation we were having kept me drinking.

''So, have you killed that kid?'' I slur, sipping some more. Ethan flicks his eyes on me, then close them and lean his head back. ''No... I never did. Ronan has always despised me, so I guess he will always blame for everything bad that's happening in his lands.''

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