A Cup of Tea

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I have never been a light sleeper. Back at home, Keenan could scream at the other side of my bedroom door and I wouldn't notice. Keenan could bang on my door and I wouldn't notice. Keenan could shake my shoulder and I would still stay asleep.

But this is no home. This is the enemy's land. And it's not Keenan who is touching my shoulder. This is the monster himself. In a blink of an eye, I'm up and standing, almost falling to the ground from the unwanted touch. My body is ready to shift. 

It's dark outside already, drowning everything in shadows. But I don't need the light to know who's standing in front of me, grabbing my waist to steady me so I wouldn't fall. Even through my sweater, I can feel his fingers, the sickening warmth seeping into my skin. It is enough to make me relive the horrors of last night over and over again. Focus, Eira.

His icy stare pierces my eyes, but he wouldn't find me looking back at him. My eyes are looking nowhere in particular, now blank and empty. I refuse to show him any emotion, I refuse to show him my true self. He has already taken my body physically, but he will never take my soul.

The monster grips my chin. I clench my fists, nails digging in my palms so hard I puncture the skin. Liquid, warm and thick, runs down my palm, leaving a trail of bright red. 

Ronan stands in front of me, his chest bare, hard muscles on full display. He smells like smoke and pine and forest. ''Why are you here? You are not allowed to sleep anywhere but in our bedroom for the night. I'm not in the mood to go and look for you every evening. Understood?'' 

He's angry. I could tell him I came here in the afternoon and slept since then, but I don't bother. I won't try to explain myself to him. I won't give him more than it has to be said to get me through the day. So I just nod my head, a blank look still on my face. I count once again, making my mind focus on numbers and not on his touch.

He pushes me out of the study and into his bedroom. It will never be ours. I'm ready to go to bed with my clothes still on but I doubt he would approve. So I take my sweater off, leaving on a t-shirt underneath it. I turn to the bed, but the monster stops me, wrapping his hands around my waist, and pulling me against his chest. He lowers his head, pushing my head to the side, revealing my neck, and inhales deeply, enjoying the smell of his mate. I, on the other hand, try to stop shaking. 

Ronan slowly turns me around, reluctantly lets me go, and pushes me towards the bathroom. ''I filled a bath for you, you're probably still sore after that little stunt you did yesterday. Tomorrow we'll go hunting, I need you well-rested,'' he says, taking his belt off. Again, I don't say a word, only go to the wardrobe, pick some shorts and a tank top, and head to the bathroom.

The bath, steaming from hot water, actually looks nice, the soft scent of lavender calms my nerves a little. I strip, not really caring if he can see me, and sit in a tub. Hot water burns my skin, but I find peace in the pain. I close my eyes and lean my head back, enjoying the serenity.

Sadly, the door opens and the monster comes in. I force myself not to move, still keeping my eyes shut. He comes to me, kisses my forehead, and turns the shower on. A shiver runs through my skin.  

I take a little peep. I can see his back through the shower glass, tight muscles clearly visible. He has tattoos all over both of his arms and back, they enhance his pale skin and hair. I can't deny the fact that he is a handsome man. He's strong, powerful, and a great leader. His pack grows with each day. He is a true Alpha, born to rule and lead.

It all sounds so nice. I should be happy to have him by my side. Always protected, loved. Taken care of. I don't need to go hunting to survive. 

But it doesn't change anything, though. This man stole me away from my home, beat me, and raped me. Made me his prisoner. And now he dares to fill me a bath, to kiss my forehead like a loving mate. I've been here for only a few days but it's already too much for me to handle.

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