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He's sitting in an armchair, arms crossed, chin up, one leg propped on the other. As soon as I walk out of the bathroom, his eyes shoot at me, checking me out, taking me in. My wolf inside me is awake, happy that her mate noticed us. Stupid inner wolf. The room is buzzing with the tension between usI don't know what to say, what to do. I feel myself digging my nails into my palms. 

Well, this is awkward.

He stands up and slowly comes to me. I want to back away, to wrap my hands around me, to lower my gaze, but I stand my ground, my eyes fixed on his chest. I'm not that stupid to look straight into his eyes again, but I am no coward too.

It's getting harder and harder to keep breathing normally, as he gets nearer and nearer. Each of his steps is ringing in my ears. Am I afraid? I think I am. And the anticipation, the waiting for something to happen is starting to drive me crazy.

Then, his smell hits me and surrounds me, my lungs are full of it. I can finally take a deep breath in. I catch myself closing my eyes, tilting my face to get a better hold of it. It reminds me of jasmine bushes that my mother used to grow in her garden, citrus, and the forest at night. 

It's intoxicating. 

My wolf is pacing now, eager to get more, to know her mate better. It's strange to feel her that way, so alive, so present. I don't remember the last time I felt her so... Alive. 

He's in front of me now, his chest almost touching mine, looking down at me. What should I do with my hands? He notices my uneasiness and grins wickedly. He enjoys seeing me like this. He wants me to feel like this about him.

And just like that, the magic disappears and I'm brought back to reality. I won't let this man confuse me, I won't let him see how his presence affects me. I won't be an open book. I take a step back, scratching the skin around my nails. 

''Now'' he says, startling me, drawing me back from my thoughts, ''Let me enlighten you on how this is going to be from now on. There are some rules for you, little wolf.'' I cringe. Uh, have you met me? What rules? Rules don't work with me. As Keenan liked to say, I was too stubborn to be bent. But I manage to keep my stupid mouth shut, not wanting more problems. 

He's still standing close, overtowering me, stating who's in charge. He reeks of masculinity. It's uncomfortable, to say the least.

''That little running away was the last time you did something like this, yes?'' he asks, waiting for my reply. I just stare blankly at him. Does he actually believe I won't try to run again? Does he really think it's okay to kidnap me and hold me here against my will? But my silence is met up with violence once again. He grabs my arm, drawing me closer to him, squeezing hard. I swear I can see a wolf peeking behind those darkened eyes of his. ''I asked you a question''.  And I don't want to answer your stupid question, little fucker. I'm done with being his little punching bag. 

I narrow my eyes, puffing my chest, standing straighter, tugging my arm out of his grip. Lifting my chin, I look straight at him, my throat releasing a snarl. ''First of all, stop touching me. Second of all, ouch. And third of all, don't tell me...'' 

I don't finish the sentence. He grabs my neck again, pushing me to the wall. Well, pushing is not the right word. I was smashed to it, actually. Why am I like this? I groan in pain, trying to collect myself once again. But the man's hand is still squeezing my neck, still pushing me to the wall, so I can't move a finger. He leans to my ear and spits ''I won't tolerate any kind of disrespect, especially from my mate.'' He slams me to the wall again. ''I won't tolerate you disobeying me''. Another slam. ''I won't say this again. Either you shove your attitude up your ass or I will chain you to the pole and leave you to think about your life choices. Am I clear enough for you this time? I can repeat that if you want''. 

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