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They came surrounded in darkness. In the stillness of the night, only the freezing wind caressed bare branches, promising to bring storms and blizzards to this frozen land. Something sinister was hanging in the air. 

There were three of them. Dying moon gave up to light their path, their movements almost invisible in the mirk. Their steps were silent, only their footprints in snow testified about their presence.

They brought the unknown smell with them, too. Heady, electric. A promise of death. 

They walked slowly, with confidence. They knew they didn't have to rush.

The owner of the lands came forward, walking strong and fast. A protector of his people. The trio stopped in front of him, taking their hoods off. The middle one, the biggest of them all, flashed his teeth, orange, almost red eyes fixed on the Alpha.

''Ronan'' he started, his open smile showing his white canines, ''I want your lands.''



It was the middle of the night, but I was restless. They were sitting in Ronan's office for three hours now. I, of course, was not allowed to join them. But Ronan didn't tell me to stay in his bedroom, so I sat right in front of the door, my back leaned against the wall, my ear turned towards the office, trying to catch the pieces of conversation and build an overall picture of our situation. But the damn door was thick, making it almost impossible for me to hear something.

One thing was clear - Ethan came here for these lands. If there's going to be a war, I will have to choose the sides. On the one hand, I wanted Ethan to slaughter Ronan, making me free from him forever. On the other hand, I didn't want innocent people to die. Kat, her baby... 

And truth to be told, I had a strange attachment to these lands. My wolf loved it. Somehow, I didn't want it to perish in the hands of this man. It was a home for so many people...

Then, the door opened, bringing me back from my thoughts. I quickly stumbled on my feet, my head held high, shoulders back, eyes forward, inspecting a man in front of me.

Ethan was tall, almost as tall as Ronan was. His build was strong, shoulders wide, but I guess all the alphas looked like that. It was in their genes. His dark hair was cut shortly, almost red eyes fixed on me, a smirk on his face. I looked away, not wanting to get myself in trouble, but I stood my ground. This man was an intruder. 

And I did not back away from intruders.

His smile widened, making his features more animalistic, and took a deep breath, closing his eyes for a second. When he opened them, he smiled even wider. I could almost see his wolf staring at me through these horrid eyes of his.

''You must be Eira''. I snapped my head at him, eyeing him suspiciously. How does he know who I am?

He took a step closer, threatening. I did not step back. He chuckled, looking straight in my eyes. I held his stare. ''Fearless Eira... They talk about you. You tried to kill your alpha mate in front of his pack... Ran away, killing a wolf with only an arrow... Hiding for almost two years... And now you're back, not stepping away from me... Stubborn.'' 

Stubborn on not, this guy terrified me. Like, a lot. But somehow, I didn't move, didn't give him a satisfaction in lowering my head. I still stood my ground.

 He prowled even closer, his earthy scent hitting my nostrils, dizzying me a little. ''I wanted to meet you. I wanted to meet this fearless woman, hidden away deep in the north.'' His voice was entrancing, pleasant to my ears. Somehow, it reminded me of honey. The smile never left his face, his eyes gleaming with mischief, pinning me down, intimidating me .

''I'm not fearless. But I still choose to be brave'' I answer. I won't let this man scare me. I won't.

He laughed this time, crossing his arms on his chest. ''Ronan got lucky with you. It's a pleasure to meet you, love.''

''Why the fuck you're down here?'' Ronan. He emerged from the door, positioning himself between Ethan and me. Someone's jealous.

Now my bravery gets smaller and smaller with me standing behind the monster. Oh, the irony. I manage to stand my ground against the man who wants to slaughter us all, but it's my mate who scares the shit out of me. And even if I try to stay calm, his presence itself was enough for me to feel afraid. He did too much terrible things to me and my body reacts accordingly. I shrink a little, my head lowered, eyes down to the floor. I can't help but submit to his authority. 

Ronan is still blocking my view, only his back exposed to me. ''Upstairs. Now.'' he spits through his gritted teeth. I don't want to take risks and anger him more, so I turn around and go to his bedroom without any complain. 

''Feisty one'' is the only thing I hear before closing the door behind me.


''What the hell were you thinking?'' his voice shakes me awake. Once I entered the bedroom, I seated myself in an armchair, waiting for the monster to return. I must have passed out soon later.

I scramble to stand up, but Ronan is in front of me now, blocking me. His eyes are shooting bolts, storms raging in the icy blue oceans. I need to calm him down. I won't survive my body being broken again.

''You didn't tell me I can't wander the house. I was heading to the kitchen when the door opened. I'm sorry, I didn't...'' but Ronan interrupts me. ''Yeah, you didn't think, as always. He could've gotten you killed! And I've just got you back.'' I see panic blooming in his eyes now, rage forgotten. He crouches in front of me, pushing his hair back with his hand. ''Just... Go to bed, it's late.''

He turns around, letting me go, and heads to the shower. I quickly stand up, wanting to know some details about that meeting. He can't leave me clueless like this! I toss the blanket I had draped on my legs away and head after him. ''Wait, what did he say? Is he going to attack us?''

Ronan doesn't turn to me, only takes off his shirt and tosses it in the corner of a bathroom. ''Not yet. I made him stay ar discuss everything. Maybe we'll come to an agreement.''

I cross my hands over my chest, leaning to the bathroom door. ''What if you won't?''

He takes a toothbrush, squeezing some paste on it. He still doesn't look at my direction. ''His pack expanded so quickly. It's almost twice as big as ours. We wouldn't win, Eira.''

Well this is not the news I was expecting to hear. ''So now what?''

Finally, he turns to face me. ''Now, dove, now you're going to bed.''



Okay, so this chapter was a shorter one, but I really felt inspired today, so I wrote some introduction to Ethan!
As always, let me know what you think!
I hope you're having a wonderful day/night wherever you are <3

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