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So I've went from 500 to almost 800 reads on this story in only two days. Excuse me, how???  What happened?? I blame it all on you!!
No, but in all seriousness, I wanna thank you all so much for your comments and messages and votes! I am forever grateful and humbled! 
I am still shook and I don't know what else to say AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH.
All right, enough of this, back to the story! 
Captain, Juni out!

''Nice shot.'' Ethan says with that smile of his.

We are standing in the outset of the forest, bows in our hands. Ethan has caught me today in the backyard, with two of them in his hand, challenging me into a friendly contest. I didn't want to anger the man who wants to slaughter us all, also, I missed my old bow, I missed the power it gave me and mostly I wanted to piss Ronan off, so I agreed. 

The bow was huge in my hands, unfamiliar. It was strange to hold a bow and not to trust myself that I'll shoot true. 

My arrow was in the outer ring of the target now. I grimace. ''I was able to shoot better before.''

''So why are you failing now?'' Cocky bastard. I should have declined his stupid offer.

''There was no need of practicing for two years''.

It's cold outside today. Snow is crunching under my heavy boots, fog escapes my lips every time I speak. My nose catches a faint smell of smoke coming from the chimneys. Frost is holding the land in its cold embrace. For the first time in a while, I want to go back inside and curl in front of the fireplace to escape the freeze that makes my cheeks turn bright pink and my fingers numb.

''Why are you with him?'' a voice booms behind us. It's the monster, of course. I was gone from his sight for less than five minutes and now he's here, his jaw clenched, eyebrows furrowed, palms turned to fists. He snatches the bow out of my hands. Relax, I wasn't targeting you, damn. 

I want to reply with something smart, but Ethan's faster. He turns to Ronan, those strange, almost red eyes focused on him, with clear mockery on his face.

''Isn't it funny how Eira darling is willing to spend her time with the so called enemy rather than her own mate? I think it says something about you, Ronan.'' 

Ronan doesn't even look at Ethan. His eyes are fixed on me. And those eyes hold so much anger I can't help myself but shrink a little. Is he going to punish me for this?

''Why are you with her, any way? She's my mate. I don't want you anywhere near her.'' He talks about me as I was some kind of an object. A toy for the alpha to play with. Ethan is still relaxed, unaffected by Ronan's spite, sparkles playing in his eyes.

''I find her company rather pleasant. She's not a stupid mountain of muscle as your males are and not a shallow scared girl as your other females are.'' I can't stop my lip corners from going up a little. Ronan, on the other hand, is looking like he's going to explode any second.

''How dare you to speak like that about my pack in my lands in front of me?''

Ethan only laughs at this. How can he stay so chill in front of him? He's sooo not afraid of Ronan.

''Me me me... It's always about you, Ronan, right?''


''I don't want you to spend another second with him.'' Ronan says when Ethan goes to meet his two pack members. Great, my nanny is telling me what I should or should not do again. He pisses me off so much I can't contain it any longer.

His To Possess ✔️Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora