While I was Gone

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...so he basically killed everyone who dared to even look at him in a wrong way.''

Katherine and I were sitting in the small study I once found. I managed to convince Ronan to let me talk with her alone after kissing his ass for twenty minutes straight and promising him I won't leave the building. I wouldn't want to upset my nanny, a.k.a the monster. 

I sat on the couch, legs curled underneath me, covering myself in a warm blanket, with a mug of that special tea in my hands. I must take precautions. Now, Kat was telling everything I needed to know that happened here while I was enjoying my freedom back in the city.

''When you left'' she continued, cradling her baby in her arms ''he got... mad. Literally mad. One wrong step could have gotten you killed. Once one of the omegas was carrying two buckets of water and, well, he splashed some of it on Ronan's shoes. Ronan made the poor bastard to wipe them clean with his shirt and then killed him.''

''Holly Jesus, he finally did it. He officially got out of his mind.'' I mumble more to myself that to her. He actually killed his pack members for this... It's the Ronan we all know and love.

We were sitting here for two hours now and I was just happy to finally talk with someone other than Ronan. Well, I actually haven't had a proper conversation with him either till yesterday evening, so now, after a month being locked up, I was craving for any kind of human contact. And I really liked Kat. She didn't judge me for leaving the pack, she didn't blame me for what happened here while I was gone. Hanna, on the other hand...

Kat went on. ''I was pregnant at the time, Rick wouldn't let me outside unless I really had to, so I can't tell you a full story, but I heard enough. That omega wasn't the only one. He killed Mason, the gamma, because he told Ronan that there's no point in looking for you. Poor bastard.''

Oh, so he was the one missing at the breakfast table yesterday... At this point, nothing surprised me anymore. Ronan was a psychotic piece of trash that enjoyed abusing others. How lucky I am to be his destined mate.

''He was training like crazy, too. Looked like he was preparing for World War III or something. And all of these nights spent in his office or in the other cities or... It was hard for everyone. I was so happy for you, that you escaped, but with every passing day it was clearer and clearer that Ronan wouldn't stop looking. It was just a matter of time for him to find you.''

I shuddered. All of the time I was away, I thought that Ronan let me go. That I was actually free. It was strange to think about that while I was working or having fun with my friends, Ronan was actively looking for me, lifting every damn stone...

''And when he brought you back... Well, everyone eased up a little. He's still scaring every single one of us, but trust me, it's better now. But Eira... prepare  yourself, everyone will judge you for leaving.''

She was right. I could see that already. Hanna wouldn't even meet my eyes and all the males were looking at me like I was some kind rotten filth in their path.

''And how... How are you holding up?'' I asked, changing the subject. I didn't want to think about the fact that I'll have to live among the people who hated my guts. Kat shifted uncomfortably, bringing her baby closer to herself. He was dozing out at this moment.

''Well, Rick got better. Ever since he found out about the pup, he was basically carrying me in his hands. He actually treated me nicely. Except the fact that I was basically held in prison. I couldn't even walk to the bathroom without telling him. 

Once I woke up in the middle of the night starving for something savory, you know, pregnancy cravings, so I went to the kitchen. Five minutes later he dashes down the stairs screaming my name. And I just stand there, with damn cheese and peanut butter in my hands... Long story short, he threatened me to tie me up to him unless I let him know where I go all the time. So I made sure to wake up at least four times every night and shake him awake, telling him I need to pee. After a week of this, he let me wander the house without telling, how kind of him.''

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