Wake Up Call

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''Eira, dammit!''

I am awoken by a strong hand shaking my shoulder. I don't need to open my eyes to know whose hand it is. I don't want to be dragged out of my warm nest of sheets just yet. Or ever. 

I groan, hiding my face deeper in pillows. I'm not ready to meet the day. Today I will have to get ready for tomorrow.

Tomorrow will be the day of the Grand Meeting. Or something like that. It's all about packs meeting and discussing their business or some shit. Basically, a lot of dumb mutts screaming at each other, then drinking till they pass out. Boring stuff. Unnecessary waste of time. And, as the Alpha's mate, I am forced to go too.

Ronan had spent the last month ''getting my shit together''. He wanted his mate to be ''presentable'' and ''look flawless''. He had disposed all the alcohol in the house, making me suffer for a whole week till my body finally managed to fully function without it. It was beyond terrible. I thought I couldn't hate Ronan even more than I had already, but boy was I wrong. After that horrible week, all I could think of was all the possible ways I could murder him. Honestly, these thoughts have helped me to feel at least a little better.

But deep, deep down, I felt... no, not grateful, but relieved. Drinking had changed me. I lost myself in the bottom of the bottle. I was a mess. I was ashamed of myself. I knew I had to stop, but the relief drinking provided me was too strong for me to resist it. I was too weak to ''get my shit together'' myself. And then Ronan fixed me. 

And I was miserable.

For the last three weeks, the only thing that pushed me forward was the fact that every alpha of the country's packs will be in this meeting. That means Ethan must be there too. And I have to be honest with myself - I missed him. I missed his orange-red eyes. I missed his jasmin smell. I missed him just being there with me. For me.

I was trying to push these thoughts out of my head. Somehow it felt wrong to think about other men when I already had a mate, even though I hated him with my whole heart. Somehow, it felt like treason. Thanks to the mating bond, of course.

Sometimes it happens. Sometimes hate is stronger than the mating bond. But even then it's almost impossible to love someone else. Someone who isn't your Moon-chosen.

But I don't give a shit about the Moon.

I am pulled out of my thoughts by Ronan literally pulling me out of the bed. I gasp, but not from the impact of my body bashing to the cold wooden floor, but from the feeling of his touch.

It's not repulsing, no. It makes me want more.

Maybe I don't give a shit about the Moon. But damn, the Moon does.

It's been too long since I came here and resisted his touch. Too long without accepting him as my mate. Too long without his heir. For a while now, Ronan has bedded me almost every night, growing more and more frustrated with each passing day I show no signs of pregnancy. Soon, he'll figure it out. He'll take away my herbs, then beat me to a pulp, then rape me till I'll get infested with his spawn.

But the Moon had enough with my stubbornness already.

I scramble to my feet, covering my chest with my arms. I am too uncomfortable to stand in front of him only with a thin shirt on me, feeling that unwanted need to have him touching me again. Ronan's eyes scan my bare legs, slowly going up, stopping to my covered chest. Possessive. Finally, he meets my eyes. ''I want you to get yourself ready for tomorrow. I want you to look your best. Do you understand?'' I only nod my head, not trusting my voice, trying to focus on my breathing. I don't want the monster to know what's going on with me.

But Ronan knows. He always does. He gives me his famous sinister smile and steps towards me. Towards his prey. I want to back away, but his arms are already encircling me, caging me, drawing my body to his. And I don't hate it. My mind is screaming for me to run, to escape, but the instincts of the wolf are stronger than me. Against my will, I melt in his embrace.

''I can smell your want, little one'' Ronan purrs to my ear. Unwillingly, I close my eyes in the pleasure of his deep voice resonating in my chest. ''I would love to throw you on this bed, dove...''. His voice enchants me, it drips from his lips like honey, smooth and silky. His voice is music to my ears. His lips, hot and soft, start teasing my neck, sucking on my skin. A quiet moan escapes my lips. He will leave a mark. And my instincts make me hope that he does.

His arms go down my thighs, then up again to squeeze my butt. I sigh, my arms no longer covering my chest but grabbing his shoulders and pulling him closer. It's getting hot in this room. Ronan's lips wander down my neck, his palm pulling my shirt down to reveal my breasts. I am liquid in his arms and I want more more more...

But suddenly he releases me and pushes me away. ''But I won't give you this satisfaction yet. You've been too much of a trouble for me lately.'' He scans my whole body, flushed and sweaty, again, but without lust in his eyes this time. ''Go freshen up. You look like a mess.'' And just like that, he exits the room, leaving me to deal with my strange emotions alone.

I feel like a bucket of icy water was spilled all over me. I feel... rejected? Anguish starts to creep up my spine, and this need, this unquenchable want is making me follow the monster out of the room. ''Ronan, I...''

He doesn't turn around, already walking down the stairs. I can feel my wolf literally whining for him to get back. Somehow, I manage to turn around and go back to the room, slump against the wall, and take a few deep breaths.

I don't think I can make it through the day.


I spent the whole day trying to stay busy - I cleaned the whole damn house, helped the women prepare for the meeting, I made food, I bathed, I even waxed my legs. I did everything to distract myself from the constant pulling inside my belly. Nothing worked.

I even tried to make myself run away. I didn't care I didn't have a plan - I just wanted to escape the sinister thoughts I had in my mind. But my body wasn't listening. I just couldn't make myself run.

For a whole day, I dreaded the night. I knew what was going to happen. And the worst part? My wolf's instincts made my want it. I knew I would not be able to resist it.

And now, the night has finally come.

I was already in bed, trying and failing to make myself fall asleep. I tossed and turned, trying to calm my raging hormones down. I was hot and cold at the same time, one minute shivering violently, then sweat covering my body the next. I was opening and then closing the window for the millionth time. I just couldn't settle down.

I even started to think that I need to go and find Ronan myself - just to get this over with. The waiting, the anticipation and the need were just too strong for me to handle. But as I was throwing the covers away to stand up, the bedroom door opened.

I knew I was going to hate myself the next day. I knew that after this night, Ronan will get even more possessive than he already is. I knew I will suffer the consequences.

And still, my lips found their way to his neck, my arms - around his shoulders and my legs - around his back.

The whole long night, I could feel his sinister grin against my skin. 

And the Moon was finally sated.


Well well well. Guess who's back with another chapter! Firstly - I am in shock. This story has 3.6k reads. I am beyond words.
Secondly - I don't know how to thank you all. For reading, for commenting and for all your kind words. For sticking up with this story. Thank you thank you thank you!
And lastly - I promise I will continue writing. I won't leave this story unfinished! 
Thank you all again, from the bottom of my heart.

I love you all,

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