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Ronan's pov.

Eira is... Challenging. Why doesn't she understand? She should know better. I hope that killing the little fucker who dared to touch what's mine was enough to finally put her in place. I am so sick of her being like that. I've never met the wolf who could defy me before and that actually drives me crazy. 

But at the same time, I like the challenge. I like seeing her struggle around me, I like how torn she is between wanting to disobey me and knowing she can't really do that without being punished. She knows the risks. She knows what I can do.

And still, she's so stubborn. Such a spitfire. She won't let anyone push her around. She's perfect for me. A strong mate for a strong Alpha.

And now, I want her to finally properly meet the others. She only talks with the females and, as far as I can see, she made friends with Hanna. Good. I'll need to talk to her and make sure Eira won't try to involve her in anything stupid. I know she is tempted try.

As I walk to my best pack members, Mira catches up with me. She lowers her head in respect. Why can't Eira be like this? ''Alpha, I need to talk to you about Eira''. Oh god, what did she do now? 

''What is it?'' I ask. Mira's eyes are looking around, shifting her weight from one foot to the other. ''I don't want to sound disrespectul, but she doesn't act like one of us. I was disapointed in her during the hunt. As your mate, she should have at least tried to help us and not just stand there doing nothing! What does that behavior say about us? It makes us look weak!'' 

I don't hesitate. I slap her. She falls. Good. I hope it will hurt for a while. No one will ever disrespect me, especialy a female. ''Listen up, you stupid girl. You come talk to me like this ever again and I'll have your guts spilled on the ground. And Eira... She has only been here a few days. So shut the fuck up, get your ass up and go help the others prepare for our party, yes?'' 

She nods her head and stands, walking away. I know she won't take this personally. She broke the rules, she got punished. She should be happy that her bones weren't broken. We deal with any kind of disrespect by force. She knows that. Everyone does.

I keep walking to my best warriors - my Beta Rick and Gammas Theo and Ragnor. They are gathering wood for the fire. As I aproach, they nod their heads and lower their gaze. I look at my Beta. ''Rick, I need to talk to you''. He drops the wood he was carrying down and comes forward. ''Sure, Ronan''.

Rick and I were best friends since forever. He's the one I trust most. And now I can see something's wrong with him. Lately, it was hard for him to concentrate on his tasks, his mind always somewhere else. And I need my Beta to be on top of his game.

As we walk , I remember his mate. I didn't see her in a while. ''Where's Katherine? She wasn't at the hunt. She wasn't around here at all lately. Everything's fine? You look like shit recently. And I need you to give a hundred percent.'' 

Rick looks a little grumpy. He too found his mate recently and looks like Katherine is not ready to comply with her new situation. Rick pinches his nose bridge. ''I literally had to tie that woman to bed with a damn chain. After that, she finally she started to be a little more compliant. I'll let her come to the party tonight. But damn, it's hard with her''.

''Damn women'' is all I say and friendly bump his shoulder with mine. Finally, we reach my office. ''Now, I want you to put some men in the woods. There will be a lot of booze tonight and Eira might try to do something stupid as she has tendency to do stupid shit she might later regret. I want someone standing in guard''.

I doubt Eira would act out tonight. But with that head of hers... I want to be safe.


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