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"Oh come on Dad! I want to spend time with Ember and King Christopher already gave the go ahead." I turn towards my mom with my puppy dog eyes.

"Please Mom. Pretty Please." I smile big as she turns to my father.

My Mother looks to my Dad with her sweet smile. "Listen Honey, I think we should let the two enjoy themselves. It was a hard night last night and honestly I'd feel more comfortable knowing Ember is watching over her." She turns to me and winks.

My Mom is the best!

My Dad let's out a long sigh, running a hand down his face as he looks down at both of us.

Wow, why does my Dad look taller and beefer?

"Ok Jess, I'm going to say Yes..." I interrupt him with my squealing. Attacking him with hugs and kisses.

"...Jess..." My father warns as I quickly back away and put on my focused face.

"I'm going to say yes, on ONE condition." I nod my head as my Mother furrows her brows.

"You talk to Skyler and make sure you understand all the rules. No Alcohol. In our humanoid form, our wolves can get rowdy. I want to know that you understand what's off limits for the next 24 hours okay?"

I throw my arms around him one more time. "No problem Dad. I'll go talk to Skyler right now okay?"


Skyler and I spent the whole day cooking and baking. I did most of the baking, Skyler did most of the cooking. I was surprised by how empty the kitchen was.

Skyler said it's because the mated males have Kitchenettes in their rooms. The only food being prepared in the main castle kitchen was for the un mated males who would be staying in the basement for night.

Skyler explained the rules to me. They were quite simple really. No exploring outside the castle. No loud music past 2am or before 10am the next day. No exploring the part of the castle that's under construction. No breaking anything, on purpose. He informed me that they are basically like giant toddlers who will want to move from one activity to the other. They probably won't sleep much and he says Ember will probably want to cuddle me to sleep when I get tired.

I took it all in as I watched the boys help get everything organized for tonight. Skyler kept blushing as Ryan continually walked up to him and snuggled into his neck. Coming at him from behind and pulling him close. Growling as he nibbled his neck.

Eli spent his free time winking at me and finding any reason to play with my hair.

Sky and I had finally finished everything and began packing things up to take in to the grand room.

"See. The full moon is approaching and Ryan is already super touchy." Skyler chuckles.

"Oh, so that's why he couldn't keep his hands off you today huh?" I giggle thinking about how cuddly Ryan has been today.

He shrugs. "Prince Eli couldn't seem to stay away either." He arches a brow at me.

I sigh. "Yeah, but, I know he's holding back." I mumble out.

He rolls his eyes. "Jeez Jess. Your birthday is next week. Can't you be just a little bit patient?" He chuckles as he lowers the platters onto the bar at the back of the room.

I giggle as I set my platters down next to his. "Next week is a whole 7 days away!" I pout and laugh some more.

It took us four trips each to get all the food into the room. We had everything we needed for an awesome taco bar as well as burgers later. Cakes and cookies. Ice cream. So many bags of chips with multiple containers of dip. Bottles of water, and Gatorade. We thought about including beer and wine, but Skyler insisted it would be better without it. He also told me that my father would kill him if alcohol was involved.

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