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The more my excitement grew the faster I ran up the stairs. I don't know why, I just couldn't wait to see where Ember was taking me. It didn't take long for some light to shine. Seems we are getting close.

"Mate fast when excited." He laughs as he continues to follow at my heels. "Mate like surprises?"

I chuckle. "Oh I love surprises Em. I love exploring, discovering new places and people-"

"And Drawing Ember!" Ember added in his loud playful tone which made me laugh.

"Yes Ember, and drawing. I draw a lot of things actually. We didn't get a chance to look through my other artwork. My favorite subject would be nature and animals." I look back to see if Ember is still listening. I crane my neck up to see a big, excited smile across Ember's face.

I laugh at how cute he is. His hair was falling into his face, making him look like a male model who just woke up. His canines make him look scarier than he actually is. Standing up on my tip toes, I lift my hand to reach his hair. He looks at me confused.

"Is Mate okay? Ember can carry you." He lowers his face to mine as if to inspect me closer. I take that as my chance to fix his hair. I can tell I'm distracting him. He just looks so sweet when I play with his hair, so peaceful.

"Mate?" He quickly lifts me by the waist and continues up the stairs. I yelp in response.

How can he move me around so easily?

I clear my throat. "Yes Ember?"

"Ember carry you now." He says this so seriously. Which only makes me chuckle.

"Um, sure Ember, but, why?" I was still a little unsure as to why he feels the need to carry me everywhere.

He responses in his nonchalant way. "Mate too distracting."

I frown at his response. "Distracting?"

He huffs as if my questions are that frustrating. "Mate is distracting because you don't wear our mark yet."

Our Mark hum? Excited!

My mother gave me the birds and bees talk, werewolf version. Honestly, it's not much different. Biggest difference is the marking. It can happen at anytime, but most effective when both the werewolf and the Mate are deeply connected. The werewolf male will know when. I have somewhere between 3-9 months afterward before I go through heat. Which is supposedly horrible. Although my mother couldn't be sure if any of this would change because of my abilities.

Somehow Ember carried me all the way up this spiral staircase. I was warm and cuddly the whole way until he set me down to push the door completely open. As soon as it opened I felt my whole body freeze and I began to shake and shiver.

I had to pull the blanket from Ember's arms before I walked outside.

I witnessed a glorious sight.

Prince Eli ✔️Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin