Chapter XXI. A Beautiful Dream

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Mia Pov

I woke up with kisses being poured on my face but these were not the usual one's which i get every morning, these are just little pecs, but it felt warm, inviting felt like 'AM I DREAMING' so to confirm i opened my eyes and came face to face with the most beautiful face i ever seen in my life, i mean Adam was hovering over my face his eyes were closed so he wont know that am wide awake but instead of pushing him away i let him do whatever he wanted to, because it felt right  like a Beautiful Dream. He kissed my forehead, then my eyelids, then my nose, then my chicks, and slowly he moved towards my lips but stopped and placed his foreheadhead on my forehead.  (✿^‿^).

"Please Mia wake up" he said it sounded as if he is suffering from pain and in that moment i cant take it, i cant see him like this in that moment I realised that I lost my Heart To Devil Himself.

"Hey am fine" i said my voice was little bit hoarse , so i cleared my throat, and he lifted his head and stared at me i just smiled at him, and he gave me a beautiful smile back.

"You ok, are you feeling discomfort anywhere? shall i call the Doctor?" he just fired questions on me with concerned eyes.

"No need am fine little bit thirsty can you help me with water please" he just did what i said,

"Thank you" i saw nathan was sleeping on the couch peacefully and a fluffy blanket on.

"Nathan he stayed here?" I asked

"I am sorry Mia i cant make him go he was sad and wanted to stay so i just let him sorry if i...."

"Its absolutely fine Adam thanks for everything, i gave you lot of trouble" he came closure and took my face in his palms.

"I wanted to do it Mia, and its not trouble,but responsibility and it's mine" he put it this way and am tongue tied no discussions further zip it mia🤐

knock knock~~

" Hey MORNING Big Mamma, hello there " the person entered was young around my age, and again is very handsome though, with chocolate brown hair, pointed nose and with spectacle gracing his eyes by his attire he looked like doctor i just smiled.

" What no pleasantries!!!!" he just tapped his foot on the floor like a kid hmm errr doctor with childish tantrums i gave Adam a confused look, which he understood.

" Mia let me introduce you my idiot cousin Danny Gilbert my second uncles son, and your Doctor" ohhky so he is his cousin brother, that explains why he looks some what similar to mike, both their features are lil bit matching.

" Ohh nice to meet you Doctor!"

"Ohh stop with the formalities Mia call me Danny" he put his hand forward i thought for handshake, so i put my hand forward to shake but instead he reached for my Pulse, i gave him a weird look and saw Adam was smilling on my expenses, he went to wake Nathan.

" Hey Buddy, wake up your mommy is awake" he calmly said to nathan who was stirring in his sleep, he opened his eyes and stared at Adam for full minute, then recognise the situation a saw in my direction and jumped from the couch and came running towards me my lil darling.

"MOMMY!!! " Adam helped him up on my bed and nathan instantly attacked me with his hugs i also took him in tight embrace.

"Easy dude your mother still needs to recover fully" Danny said.

"Ohhky sorry' mommy how are you feeling?  are you feeling uncomfortable anywhere?" that made me surprised he asked me the same questions which Adam asked me a moment ago, i just glanced at him he was smiling.

"No baby am feeling fine dont worry darling, rather i am planning to go home today right doctor?" i told nathan and directed my question towards Danny he gave me a look which said my plan may be fail.

" NO NO MAMMA-MIA, i cant let you go today your sugar levels are low so as your HB count, so you have to stay 1 more day for observation" he told me and just like that my plan flushed ಥ_ಥ.

" I cant today is Monday, i have to head back to my agency we have this big order of ours i cant afford to stay here it will loose my reputation doctor you can give me some medicines" he just shake his head in no.

"Adam can i use your phone please" nathan asked Adam, and he just gave it to him he dialled a number i dont know what he was doing.

"Hello KATTYPIE" He just called katty from Adams phone and put it on speaker.

"Heeeello Strawberry Punch" they and their nicknames i tell you.

" Katty-Pie can you manage today's order on behalf of mommy, she is not well today" he just told katty.

"Hey what happen to her is she ok ? And tell her don't worry we can manage it, let her rest"

"See mommy Kattypie is ok with it now you must rest"

"Hello Mi are you there what happened are you ok"

"Yeah, katty its just little fever nothing to serious dont worry i will recover"

"No rush, take care sweety will manage"

"Thanks !! Katty and apologise to team on my behalf"

" Dont worry they will understand"

"Hey Katty-Pie i assign you incharge for today" Nathan said

"I_I Captain, bye MI take care girl" katty said on the phone and finally hungup and me finally .·´¯'(>▂<)´¯'·.

"Hey Mia Good morning how are you feeling now?  uncomfortable anywhere? " Mike entered and asked the same question for the 3rd time in row, these men i tell you...

"Yeah Mike am fine" he just nodded and and asked Adam to come out with him they both went out.

"Now take rest Mamma-Mia i will check on you later, take some lite diet for today" i wonder whats with the wierd nick name, he went his way, Adam entered a moment later and by the looks he looked disturbed.

"Mia am going for a while i have some work to handle will come back in an hour max" he informed me i just nodded he even offered to drop nathan at home, so i agreed there was nothing to do much so i just decided to just take a nap...

Hmm new chapter tell me what do you think about this one, and cute little Nathan and New character Danny?comment and don't forget to Vote thanks. Happy Reading

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