Chapter XXV. Tough Time !!

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Mia Pov

" Miss Rodrigues, please tell us are you really involved in the food tempering?"
"Miss Rodrigues tell us have you supplied rotten food to the companies?"
"Miss Rodrigues tell us is it true you use low quality grocery which led to food poising?"
"Miss Rodrigues are you involved with politicians?"
"Miss Rodrigues you are a fraud you have no background, four years back you settled in the city and just started with a cafe and then established this big catering services do you have connection with mafia?"
Reporters were barging on me with so many absurd questions and i dont have any answers for them, Adam just kept a protective shield infront of me and just pulled me towards the car, but while dealing with these question tsunami, one of them just pulled me from back so forcefully i was tugged between adam and that man and the reporter just asked me an even worst question which made me speechless...QUESTION WAS

"Miss Rodrigues are you Mr.Adam Gilbert's Mistress? " which made me freeze on the spot and adam got so furious he just spun around and punched the reporter so hard that he fall on ground.

" Beware before spewing and nonsense" Adam just lifted him from collar and forced him to apologise me,he just did.

"Think before speak !" was adams words and he just forcefully pushed him and gave a look to all of other reporters.

"This applies to you all respect womens first" and he pointed his finger to all the other reporters present i cant be more proud of him then today, he just came towards me and took my hand in his and we proceeded towards his car. We came back home, and all my team was seating in the living room as well we were discussing what will we do in this situation.

Mike came as well and brought Nathan from school along with him, and one of the legal adviser of the company also came, adam was dealing with all the legal matters and i was just answering to the advisor, and everyone was so much stressed, me too is feeling stressed but am not afraid because am confident that there is some misunderstanding because that day same meal was supplied to other company too but they haven't complaint, maybe someone is doing something,or may be someone messed up with the food.

" Katty tell me one thing this Ludwig enterpriser is that company where our food Van supply food till the entrance of the company, and then the trays are carried inside by their cafeteria people's right?"

" YES what are you implying exactly?"

"I mean look it this way , if someone has messed up with the food before it reached to cafeteria?"

" It must be the case" The advisor said


"But what"

" But how will we prove this?" I asked

"Don't worry I will ask someone to Checkout the CCTV footage" Adam said he was silent since that incident with that reporter but I was surprised till now there is no news regarding that ordeal, not a single one,I must say Adam' PR group is very efficient they just blocked all the news regarding today's ordeal.

" Mommmy am hungry" nathan came down and sat on my lap.

" Yeah sweety let's go we will have food ok" so we winded up everything and everyone left house except Adam. He stayed back so I asked him to join for dinner. But he was just lost in his thoughts. He was standing near the front porch window looking in the distance. So I settled nathan in his seat and asked him to eat. I went towards Adam placing my hands on his shoulders i said.

"Hey Adam, come have dinner" he just stayed there without moving so a sigh passed my lips, but still he was unmoving. So I just took his hand in mine and pulled him towards the table, and make him seat and placed a plate infront of him.

"I Sorry Mia, because of me today..." He paused and glanced towards Nathan,

"We will talk about this later first food" he nodded in understanding, after dinner Adam told me he is staying the night incase any of those reporters might come and disturb I won't argued not that I believed that reporter will come back , a a a not possible he has got his Lesson for life 🤭🤭🤭.
I just wanted to let him at peace because in these few days I had understood one thing he is way too much protective of me so even if i argue he won't back down.

"Adam water bottle for night in case you need it" I placed it on side table, tonight I let Adam to sleep in my room and I preferred sleeping in nathan room.

"You don't have to do this Mia, I would have managed on the sofa"

" How could I let you sleep on the sofa! And more over its not comfortable sleeping there" I can't imagine him twisting turning and in morning he will be complaining about stiff neck I thought the image so I just shake my head to rid that image.

" Mia I..."

" Nothing doing just Sleep" I cut him and told him to sleep.

" Mia can we talk " I just went and sat on the edge of my bed and insisted him do the same which he followed.

" Before you start strings of apologies, i will say it's not required and you haven't done anything wrong to apologise,it's not your fault. Those reporters are Gossip seekers,their job is to find news to bring their channel on No.1 position, they will talk absurd but it's upto us how we take it. Adam it's ok don't worry". I said to him.

" Hmm you are right but I can't take it when he insulted you by saying..." He hesitated I just nodded in understanding.

" Just ignore them Adam, and time to sleep" I stoodup from bed

"Goodnight Mia"

" Sweet Dreams!!" I just left the room closing the door behind...

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