Chapter XXXII. I Love U !!!

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Adam Pov

The moment i asked Mia, i knew it she cant hold it in her, when the teacher announced that every kid will be accompanied with his/her father i knew what she was thinking, she was having thoughts about nathan real father, after comforting her i informed her i have to go and help nathan. But on other hand i felt proud, i mean i am not his real father but some how nathan has choosen his own father and that's me, i proudly stood up and went towards nathan, and we looked towards Mia she was smiling at us and took out her phone and clicked some pictures. And hence the competition began, nathan knows what he was doing and he is good in his art, so i have less work to do and i sat relaxed and just saw what he was doing, after sometime as he finished his work i looked at it, it was just BEAUTIFUL, i must say he is indeed a artistic person and i decided in future i will encourage him in this passion of his. When teachers announced end of the competition, and asked the mothers to come along and have look, Mia was the first who came running towards us and as she saw the painting, she instantly understood what is the painting about,rather any non artistic person can also understand what was nathan's drawing about, the painting is a mother holding her child in her embrace, and nathan has painted it with right amount of colour shades and perfect. Then teachers took look at each paintings, and after it was decided that nathan's painting was not only beautiful but also upto date for todays theme ie Mother's day, and hence nathan got first price, a trip for family wherever they want to go, and some consolation amount.

"I must say you are lucky girl, you have two very smart men in your life not only your husband but even your son is one smart boy Congratulation !! " one of the lady said while congratulating Mia, and mia just smiled and blushed as usual. HUSBAND HA not bad... i will ask her today for a dinner date.

We drove back to Mia place and nathan was so happy today, i saw mia phone beep several times notifying that she has recieved messages, but she ignored them.

"Mia your phone is buzzing"

"Yeah they are some anonymous messages ooops!" she said annonymous that alerted me and i stopped the car on the side of the road she just stared at me with horror written on her face, which means she was not suppose to tell me this rather she was hiding it from me purposely.

"What do you mean by that Mia" i asked her with serious face i wont tolerate any random guy bothering her.

"hahah nothing Adam its nothing," she tried again to hide it but by the awkward laugh showed that she was lied. I just gave her a look and took the phone from her hand, and unlocked her cellphone, it was simple she has put nathan birthday as lock my naive girl and she just sat there shocked. As i was looking for the messages, those were all flash messages and reading them made me furious beyond my limit, some one is purposely tormenting her by sending these messages, no wonder that day she shouted on phone, wanting to strangle some one, it was because of this...

"Since how many days this is happening?" i asked her she gave no answer i was about to ask her but i stopped as nathan was in car i dont wanted him to stressed out so i just drop it for time being and started the car and drove towards home the moment i stopped she went out and helped nathan out, so she is running away from my questions, not so easy mia. I went out and pulled her from her wrist and siezed her from movement and asked nathan to give us some time, he agreed immediately and ran inside.

"Leave me !!" She said and started to wiggle i loosen my hold on her.

"Mia we need to talk" As my hold loosen she turned around to move i stopped her again.

"What did you want to talk ha, who are you, why are you interfering in my life?" she was furious and raised her voice again.

"I want you in my life Mia" i told her which made her somewhat calm, she sighed in defeat and said.

"I am no good, Adam, you will get much more perfect ladies, they are there waiting for you, why me" she said.

" I dont need them, i have choosen you" she stared at me, i know what she was thinking exactly
i placed my forehead on hers.

"Mia, i know you  are independent women, you have established your own company, brought up your son alone, i know you dont need any man to depend upon, and i also know you are well capable of being nathan's mom as well as dad. Am not saying this because i want to take place as nathan's father, but i need you both to fill my empty life, Mia, i had been alone since i took over my fathers company, i haven't had been in any intimate relationship, i was not interested in just a passing affair, but the moment you entered my cabin that day my whole loneliness vanished... you made it colourfull your smile, your clumsiness,your habit of stuffing food while you are nervous, your awkward laugh, everything mia everything it just made me fall for you even harder. Please Mia i beg you please give me a chance just one chance, and i promise you i will love nathan as my own, i wont part you away from him i will prove to you that am worthy of becoming nathan's father, Mia i will prove to you that am worthy of your Love. MIA I LOVE YOU !!  I LOVE U...." i told her, confessed to her that i love her. she was silent just closed her eyes not saying anything

"Say something Mia..... anything?"

"NO !! ADAM AM NOT WORTHY OF YOUR LOVE" and she just spun around and ran inside, she just rejected me, that not bothered me at all but the thing she said, that she is not worthy of my love what that suppose to mean. I was confused now, in my whole life i was confused for the first time... ohh Mia you are making me insane... 'Womens will we ever understand them?' i just left from there and drove back to home, i was not in mood now.... i reached home and cancelled all my meetings, before i decided to go to office after competition and continue with my half day schedule but after meeting Mia am not in the mood right not...  i called mike and informed him, as the curious cat he is he also windup his schedule and is now on his way back home .

I just took shower and was having my black tea when the front door open indicating Mike has arrived. He straight came towards me with a big smile on his face. He just sat opposite me and gave me a wiggling eyebrows i hate those eyebrows some time i think i will trim them. which made his hands flown towards his eyebrows and he hide them with both hands, may be i said it loud.

"Yess you said it loud, how could you Brooooooeeeeee" he whined like child

"What did you want Mike" i gritted

"What tell me everything"

"Hmm Nathan won competition got first place, gave painting to his Mommy"

"AND...." he gestured with his hands to continue me

"And nothing"

"What ? thats not fare Bro i want more"

"Mike please not today "

"She rejected?" why did he know me this accurately, in my whole family he is the one who understands me the most and yes this time also he found it by himself.

"But why, i mean haven't you told her that you Love her?" i just gave up and told him

"I told her, i told her that i love her, but she just ran away saying she is not worthy of my Love bullshit, Now what that suppose to mean, I can't understand woman's at all"

"No Men can understand Woman's in anyway, in this case she is the only one who can tell us am calling her how could she i wont let her do that to you " and mike went to dial her number but i stopped him, i dont want to stress her, i just need to give her space and time to think. meanwhile i too have a work to accomplish...

Hmm poor Adam he confessed his love not once but twice. Let see what will he do next. Another chapter for you. Happy Reading

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