Chapter XXVII. The Courtroom Drama

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Mia Pov

eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee i squealed as Adam entered the bathroom Woah!! what was that he just kissed my forehead its becoming his habit, i just left the room quickly and ran towards nathan room to change, i came down and remembered, that adam has no clothes with him, so i decided to give him his own clothes which are still with me.

"Nathan!! " i called him he said he is with Adam that means in my room, so i headed in and as usual Adam was in towel wrapped around, so i hurriedly averted my eyes, and gave him his clothes he just took it with a smirk on his face, and went to bathroom to change, so i informed nathan to bring Adam for breakfast and went downstairs to help martha. Mike came and directly sat on breakfast table, so i just placed a plate infront of him, he instantly devoured it, by the time nathan and adam came down, mike already had his first batch of pancakes, and started with the second round, i placed a plate infront of Adam, he asked me whether i ate or not but i just lied nodding that i already did. So he wont worry, actually i am not in mood today, its just too much going on so i just want it to end quickly, after breakfast me mike and Adam drove to Courtroom and martha will drop Nathan school today.

We reached courtroom, and i thought here comes the drama again, but to my surprise its just went smoothly, there were many reporters surrounding me but they dare not come closer, hehehehe because of certain someone's watch full eyes were on them, i mean Adam piercing eyes throwing Daggers on each one of them, which kept them all away after all who will dare piss a very angry Lion King!!! Adam, walked infront of me and mike was behind me as if surrounding me in their protective circle. Hushhhh we entered the courtroom peacefully....

In Courtroom

As the session began i was called, so went sat in defendant table the session began with the Prosecutor lawyer asking me questions.

"So Miss Rodrigues tell us how did you manage to provide such food to my client do you have any grudges against my client?"

"Sorry for the unfortunate accident... i ...."

"Sorry thats it you just say sorry? Miss Rodrigues, that means you accept your mistake?" i was cut by the lawyer mid sentence

" No i never said that, rather am just feeling sorry for those who suffered in the incident, but i am not reponsible for what happened am not guilty.

"Not responsible ha, those who suffered had eaten your food , which came from your catering agency that means you are culprit"



"Sorry my lord, so Miss Rodrigue you say you are not guilty do you have any proof of that?" the lawyer asked, and i glanced towards Adam for a second he was staring at me already, as in waiting for me to look at him, he never gave me smile or anything he just stared at me, but that look gave me confidence, and so i confidently looked towards the lawyer into his eyes and fiercely said. 

" Though right now i dont have anything in my hand, but i assure you that me and my teammates wont do such low level thing we workship our work"

"Fare enough, will you tell me is there any other company which made you do this?"

"No, As I said earlier i haven't done anything"

'My lord but i would like to show you and jury something, and he pressed a button which turned a led screen on, there was a footage of me and Parson Enterprisers. companies CEO having chat.

"So Miss Rodrigues do remember this?"

" I remember this i provided food for this party last month" i remember this and i was just being exchanging pleasantries and he gave me his card.

' My lord she remember this, you can see clearly how she is talking with Mr Daniel CEO of the company, so freely as in they are well acquainted of each other,



' Yes my Lord there is i am trying to say is this company is rival company of my Client so am saying that Mr.Daniel conspired against my Client company and Ms Rodrigue is the medium"

"Thats all My lord" he said and sat down judge asked my lawyer to continue with his defense session

'Defence may proceed'

'Thanks my lord'

"Miss Rodrigues, may i ask you how many no. of clients do you have"

" More than 200 companies" i told him

"HMM and you attend all the parties as well right?"

"Yes mostly am the incharge so i have to be present there to make sure everything goes smoothly" 

' Okay My Lord why i am asking this is because my client not only met CEO of Parson company but also meets all other of her clients as this is part of her job'

'my lord i want bring one of the security incharge of company in the witness box'

'You have permission proceed' then a man entered he was old may be around in his 50's he greeted all the present people and Mr.Carter proceeded.

'So my lord he is Bejamin he works as security incharge in Ludwig Enterprises since past 10 years.

"Mr. Bejamin will you please tell us what exactly you saw that day"

" I was on my duty at the back entrance of the company, i was performing my duty as usual, when suddenly i saw a man with hood just came out from the company's cafeteria backdoor gave someone an envelop, i shouted at them but hearing my voice they both alerted  and ran in different directions, i ran towards the hooded man, he was running little bit slowly as he has a walking stick in his hands,but due to my old age i stopped to catch my breath which he got advantage he ran and suddenly disappeared, when i searched for his whereabouts he was no were to be seen, he escaped some how, so I came back to report this to the higher officials, but it was too late when i came back there was chaos everywhere in the company, people were coughing, vomitting, and ambulance's were taking them to nearest hospital. In this mishap i long forgotten this incident,and went to help them, then company announced temporary close down for further investigation"

'My Lord i want to show something to everyone'

'Proceed' on Judge's permission, Mr.Carter connected a Pendrive to the led screen and switched on the Television, next an video was played, this was the CCTV footage in which a man was seen putting something into one of the food tray's. his face cannot been seen because he hide his face behind the long hairs and then placed the food tray on the cafeteria table and left quietly, there was no one to keep watch on this area, thanks to CCTV otherwise we cant able to prove this.

'My lord it is clearly seen that my client is falsely accused, she has no relation with the person who is actual culprit hence i rest my case'

' Court has heard both the sides, and as per the evidence produced by defence lawyer it clearly shows that the incident has no involvement of Miss Rodrigues, hence the court decides that Miss Rodrigues is NOT GUILTY, and orders the police officials to investigate this case further and find the real culprit, and orders Ludwig company to compensate Miss Rodrigues for accusing her wrongly. Court is adjourn.' and judge just tap her gavel and left the room, i just sat there and katty ran towards me and took me in her embrace,congratulated me, and everyone did the same but my focus was on one man ADAM Gilbert, he was silent just stood there and watching into distance... Today i seen his another side, when everyone around me is in panic, distressed,he was the only one who stayed calm and collected.

So what did you think about the chapter, sorry if the courtroom things not appropriately explained I tried my level best hope you like. Don't forget to vote,Comment... Happy Reading

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