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I rode Arial slightly behind the princess' horse, side by side but her horse's head always behind the one more in front.

"It is a pleasant surprise to see Arial, I thought she had long been in the dirt, father being the only one she appreciated."

"She was a tough one to duke it out with, as stubborn as if she was a mule but I suppose she liked me because I gave her apples while no one else did, I don't ride much as she always wants food in exchange and surely not around times when the queen could need me so it isn't a surprise you never seen her again."

"Well I am happy she in good spirits and still serving someone."

"She is a great horse, I can just thank your mother for letting me care for her and then look after her."

"It is an important gift but I also noticed the stones." I laid my hand over my necklace and lifted it away from my body to look at it before letting it fall back against my body.

"What can I say Highness? Your mother likes to keep the dragon in the forefront and what would a dragon be without some treasure?"

"Silver dragon, a fitting title."

"So I find too."

We rode right next to the outer wall of the castle, the only thing holding us separated from the town outside.

I listened to the slow story Arial's soul sang on walks like this, the horrors of war and the peace of the walls, marked by events and yet still standing strong and beautiful, surprisingly animals souls were harder to understand then plants, the souls of plants was simpler too and animals were more complex with emotions of their own and unlike the old elm Arial couldn't decide what to tell me, her thoughts and memories were her words.

"You asked me earlier what saddened me." The princess brought up after the bout of silence.

"I just worry for your well being Highness."

"I understand.... What do you think of me wearing the crown one day?"

"Well Highness you've earned it in my eyes. Prince Eleric was wise enough to recognize defeat, the people of the land will greet you with open arms and loud acclamations when you take over."

"You put too much faith into my abilities mage."

"I do not, I can judge someone's worth easily if I spend a bit of time with them, you are just like her Majesty, calm and collected, calculating."

"Some think the opposite, that I am too like my late father."

"If you not being a fragile woman is what troubles the opposition than they still haven't learnt that they live in a queendom, they should trust in your bonds with the dragon and your wits as a queen not the shape and form of one's body."

"If only there were more that thought like you mage."

"Ask any other mage Highness and all will repeat the same, ask any of your people and if they have eyes they'll see what I do. Most of those against must be blind to not see the eyes."

"Ah yes the purple of my eyes strikes fear in the weak as my mother puts it."

"Wise woman."

"She is but it also puts me at risk, if it wasn't for the show you made of the accident I might have been dead."

"Highness you'd be dead, not 'might' but 'be'."

"Right, I'll trust your words mage."

"I wouldn't lie Highness."

"Right.... And thank you, I never thanked you for saving my life."

"I was just doing my job Highness."

"Still... You were the only one to catch it in time to avoid pain and tragedy so thank you mage."

"Of course Highness."

"Ah it is getting late the supper must be getting ready to start." She said looking up at the setting sun. "Let's hurry back before the servants think of some delirious reasons for our absence."

"Do not worry I will not kidnap your Highness any time soon."

"Tell that to the servants."

"They wouldn't listen."

"Well that's why we need to go."

After getting my horse back to her stable and promising the lettuce was to come I left towards the castle where the main feast would take place in, Belladonna having said she'd set up the room herself this time so we had time to relax a bit.

I fixed whatever dirt I got on me and made my hair stick forth again, that being more elegant then the normal look where the spiky tufts stick out all around.

I felt lucky that our uniforms were our formal clothes too, unlike the princess that needed to change back to what she wore before.

It displeased me the people made her doubt her strength but at least with six mages they won't.

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