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It was still raining with no sign of it stopping soon as I stared up at the dark clouds.

"Sorry" I whispered up at the sky.

Even tho I didn't have control, I did huge damage to what were the training ground, Em had succeeded into coaxing the slip in the ground closed with the ground flattened out away, I didn't trust my magic could do it.

I couldn't even light a simple candle as flames would burst out of my hand and burn the table it was set on, a similar storm to what was going on outside raged inside.

We needed to leave already, the funeral was done and we needed to be back for the tournament.... I need to get a hold of myself, I put everyone at risk as long as the storm doesn't calm.

I saw it on his face, Em was scared, he saw part of my power lash free, now... I know I couldn't scare him personally, I wasn't that stupid, what he feared was what more I hid inside because even tho my powers lashed out he as able to cut through them with his magic meaning they were far from pure.

I resorted to ban my use of magic for now unless its current destructive power is needed.

I said goodbye to the chief of the village I now had no reason to know anymore, just like how the queen wanted from her mages, I glanced over at the dragon's blossoms growing on the shores as a last goodbye and got on Arial.

The ride back was accompanied by heavy winds and rain, I rode in front with Audrey behind and the two men in the back, a hand resting on the pommel of the sword, pulling it out slightly at times to look at its blade before setting it back in.

The ride back was accompanied by heavy winds and rain, I rode in front with Audrey behind and the two men in the back, a hand resting on the pommel of the sword, pulling it out slightly at times to look at its blade before setting it back in

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This was no ordinary blade, I couldn't tell what it was but it was like.... Calling to me, but steel wasn't something that could harbor a soul, only what was alive.... Tho I am unsure if it is steel either, it sure felt cold and sturdy like steel but it was way too light for it too be it, the blade was almost longer then my whole arm and yet it was made with a one handed grip and it was heavier then my staff by just a bit.

This strange blade almost pleading without actually whispering like any soul did, pleading to serve me. I don't know how it did but it did, as if it was forged for me but it didn't look like any style of weapons I've seen.

I occupied my mind with thoughts about the mysteries setting over us to push the darkness away: Questions about the void, the attempted murders, the sword and what trials awaited Em and I when we get back.
Most of the competition was weeded out so I'd say there is two more trials possible before the final rounds of the one on one fights between the competitors come.

I needed to get myself back under control until then.

We took a different route back through the mountains as coming here was safer on that one but leaving was safer on this one.

"Wow." Em breathed out seeing the blue marked giant pieces of brown rock with blue crystal like growths from its body along with gold.

" Em breathed out seeing the blue marked giant pieces of brown rock with blue crystal like growths from its body along with gold

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"I never seen a Devine from this close and even less a dead one." Audrey whispered.

"Yeah it is impressive yeah? We owe our lives to her." Betelwan said.

"Mystery killed a Devine?!" Em yelled.

"Two even but the other was way smaller."

"I was scared by this one." I said, putting my first words into any of the chats they had until now. "I didn't know about magic then and just threw my arms in front of me in fear, freeing all my magic at once and blowing that hole through the creature." I said, pointing at the huge hole in the side of the creature we passed by.

"And that was at such a young age as you were six like me when you came to the castle, wow." Em said.

"Lets just go."

When we stopped for the night I was on first guard.

"You should sleep." I told Audrey as I stared into the darkness over the camp fire we set up.

"I could tell you the same but you insisted on taking guard duty." She said sitting next to me and I didn't look over, her cape brushing against me, while all at least put their capes on against the rain I didn't, the fire was just going because it was Em's magic.

My clothes and hair stuck flat to my body and water sloshed in my boots but I didn't care, the cold helped sooth the burning ache.

We sat in silence, darkness heavy, no moon or stars visible through the rain clouds that kept falling.

I felt the rain run down my face as if they were my tears I had long stopped crying.

I felt no drops fall on me and looked up, Audrey had stood up and lifted her cape over my head to cover me with a sad smile on her face, almost comforting it was so gentle.

I just stared into her eyes.

"You helped me with my troubles Mystery, don't cut me out of yours."

"What would you know about this?!" My cold pulled back demeanor somehow sprang up to anger as I stood up right in her face.

"No I do!"

"You don't! You don't!! You lost your father to war!! He didn't die in front of you!! Before your eyes!! You weren't separated from him and forced to know he was fading away while kept locked up in a castle!!"

"Mystery I get it.... I get it ssh you angry, it is normal."

"Normal huh?! Normal?!! No this isn't normal!! If it wasn't for your family I'd have been here to save mother!!" I poked my finger against her chest at each exclamation. "I would have been there to help!! He wouldn't have fallen ill!! Too sad to fight on alone!! To die to a broken heart!!" I shoved her back with my hand and she stumbled to the ground.

"Hey ssh it is fine, you can blame my mother heck you can blame me, it's normal, anger is part of grieving Mystery, just let it out." She said as she stood up.

I looked away from her, flexing my hands at my side and with a yell threw my hand out at the stone cliff which exploded into shards of stone and fell on my knees crying.

"Ssh, I know it hurts trust me, just breath in and out." She whispered while hugging me after she kneeled down in font of me, both of us ignoring the frightened awake men.

"I never even got to know him. I never got to know my father." I cried, holding on her tightly.

"I know Mystery, I know."

I cried as the stone facade that imploded blazed from the fire ball that smashed it, no one saying another thing.

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