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I fell for a while before a hot gust of wind slowed my fall and I landed on my feet.

I looked around a glowing grassy plains that stood before me and the skies of red and black, swirling and flowing but never mixing into one color.

"Well there is a start to all." I said, I've never been able to do this and I do it in a few seconds now? I guess I got even better.

This is a world hidden deep in ours, all of us are connected to it and yet few achieve entering it in their life times. The soul world or more commonly known as the spirit plains even tho it isn't said to only be plains.

I started walking through the dirt path as the grass sank into the ground to reveal it.

When you die your soul gets dragged here, to live with spirits, some good, some evil, this is heaven and hell, this is the afterlife.

Head mages need to be able to access this plane of existence, needing to have a grasp on this world as many answers can be found here but entry is really difficult, your soul is to be set free, escape your body in search of this place.

No one, not even the queen, was permitted knowledge on this sacred place, only head mages had the right to it and was knowledge passed down mouth to mouth to keep the secret safe.

Wind blew like a loud whistle and I covered my eyes, uncovering them I was standing in a dead forest, just tree trunks and branches reaching to the sky as snow fell without clouds and covered the ground, the lost forest.

The lost forest was a cold and treacherous part of the spirit plains, where the souls of the damned wondered in search for salvation they would never find if they weren't meant to leave.

I took a deep breath, face of determination plastered on as I walked forth.

"You are not supposed to be here." A being of many voices said, some young, some old, some male, some female, some at peace, some in pain, some screaming, some whispering but I didn't answer it.

"You do not belong here, you are not a lost soul." I gulped, skittering of hundreds of legs heard from the fog between the trees.

"What are you doing here?" Tears sprang to my eyes as the voices of my parents came from the fog settling over the lost forest.

"What are you doing here?" One voice said this time before another said it again and soon a cacophony of voices were screaming that at me.

I covered my ears but it didn't damped the noise.

I jumped up and slammed my feet in the ground, one knee touching it, a blast of air shooting up around me before I shifted my second leg and spun on my self, blasting the fog away with air.

The voices faded as I stood straight up with a frown, the creature of many voices, the soul stealer, the puppet master, this being had many names as Belladonna taught me and no one had ever seen it, it will try to get you to speak to steal your voice and add it to its collection and you'll cease to exist if it succeeds.

I let out another strong blast of air at the ground that kicked up the snow and when it fell back down I was standing on top of a brown rocky mountain with valleys and mountains until the horizon.

I sighed and started making my way down, watching the dragon-like spirits in the sky, like scaly bodies, powerful wings but with the faces of bears and tails of ribbons.

I squatted down and thrusted my arms in the air, a pillar of stone shooting up from under me and sending me up, blasting flames just as I lifted off the rock to send me higher.

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