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All was going wrong. All was going wrong!!

How did he get up?!

How did she get here?!

"Looks like I won't even have to look for her!!" He lifted his arm and I yelled as I slipped down it and rested against his shoulder.

"Mystery!" Ethan too?!

"This is getting better." Aurelius chuckled before spinning on himself and throwing me off his arm and I think at them as their worried voices were closer to me as I landed.

I froze a sheet of opaque ice over the two sides of the hole in me to keep any internal organs inside as I sure couldn't heal myself right now or had enough concentration and time to even try.

I threw myself on my knees and swiped my hands in front of my and created a half circle of dirt to block to waves of fire coming my way and in consequence block them from hitting behind me.


"What are you doing here?!" I yelled at Audrey and she flinched. "I left you there for a reason!!"

"Don't start fighting now!!" I heard the gruff voice of a man and looked over at the elf man I fought in the underground, so he must have been the one the help them both to this point, Ethan with his limited magic knowledge couldn't have.

"Stay out of this!!" I ignored my body's want to crumble to the ground in favor of more important stuff and vaulted myself over the barricade I made and ran at Aurelius, hands out behind me with flames coming from them to boost my speed, jumping to kick him but getting my leg caught and slammed in the ground wasn't part of the plan.

"I had enough playing with you, it was fun seeing you think you could beat me." He threw me and I went through my barricade and rolled on the ground.

"Mystery!" Audrey ran over and helped me on my knees.

"Run while you can Audrey, run." I said to her as I stumbled up and sent a barrage of icicles his way which he just deflected. "Idiot stop!" I yelled at the elf man that tried rush Aurelius, coming at him with boulders and lightning. "Fuck this!" I ran after him.

The elf had his leg bent so I pushed off his ankle to step on his shoulder to jump over him and summon a lightning bolt from the sky directly down at Aurelius as I flipped over him.

I elbowed him in the back and the elf decked him in the face before I passed to his side and struck with lightning again, redirecting it through me to match the lightning strike the elf sent of his own.

I was really out of breath and badly off, I am not blind, I can recognize my own short coming but I still stood ready to fight as Aurelius' form was shadowed by dust.

Despite my body's protest I whipped it back in a back bent, low enough that I fell on my back, to avoid the shadows lashing out from the dust cloud.

I looked at the still standing elf before the left of his face slide to the left and the rest of his body fell straight down, the pieces of him rolling apart as I watched in horror at this gory display before I got kicked in the chin making my head snap back and then grabbed and thrown again.

"It was fun playing with you but now it is time to end this." Aurelius smiled as he stepped out of the shadows, my limbs shaking and weak as he approached.

His head slightly tilted to the left as a small rock hit.

"Don't touch her!!"

"Run you fools!! Run while you can!!" I yelled at the two other humans here.

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