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(I think this one fits Audrey well and yes for those that did not get it, I did imply Audrey having her way with Mystery)

"A prude I say Arianwyn." 

"Will you stop repeating that?" I said, each time my face flushing red, I refused to turn back to look at her as I laced up my boot as fast as I could, still topless. "And put some damned clothes on!"

"No one will see us, you made sure of that." My face felt hot as I looked up at the shelves that grew branched up the side of them and over us to cover us from sight. "You even made it comfortable." I looked down at the grass that was before growing just a few strands through the cracks but now carpeted the ground. "You are too prude as I said."

"You should be the prude one, you are a princess." I brought my legs under me to sit on them while I grabbed my binds.

"Well what can I say there are moments when even I am needy, why do you think we would sneak out of the castle, just to drink?" My back shot up straight as I felt her finger trace down my skin. 

"Good gods if the queen knew of this she'd have my head."

"Why would she tho?" Her arms passed under mine and crossed over my stomach, grabbing my sides as her chin rested on my shoulder. "You weren't the first one as I told you and she wouldn't have seen it happen and to crown it all, how else do you think we were made? My father was not some woman masquerading as a man with the knowledge of a spell to magically make us."

"You are insufferably bold about this Audrey." I said, almost too casually used one hand to grab her arms which wanted to stray below my waistline. "And impossible." She just laughed as I got a kiss on the side of my neck.

"Ah you mages, pure until marriage."

"Audrey!" I threw my arms up in disbelief.

"What? It is true with you until now."

"Leave my pants alone." I sighed as this was the one time she didn't want to listen to me it seems. "And stop pressing yourself against my back." I shifted my legs a bit so she couldn't pull my pants down them as they sat apart and laid straight out in front of me before I crossed my arms, covering myself at the same time.

"Prude I say, prude." She laughed as she freed my pant's waist from her hold and I sighed in relief before yelping and jumping to my feet, whipping to face her as she laughed so hard at my reaction.

"You bit me!" I grabbed my neck.

"I did it before you just were into it." I tried to keep my eyes from wondering but it as hard, with a huff and a gentle stomp of my heel the grass threw her clothes at her just making her laugh again. "You are too fun to play with when you are out of your element my dear head mage."

"Get dressed." I said, rubbing the redness away from my face. "They need us."

"The mages are calling?"


"Alright alright I'll have mercy on you."

I turned my back to her, finishing putting on all that I still needed, I really need a bath.

With a wave I returned the library to how it has been when we entered, still embarrassed this was my doing to will it to change.

"I said it before but you'll be the death of me." I muttered as she hugged me from behind when she was done.

"I know." She smiled at me as I looked at her.

"Well lets get going."

"Faster we are done, faster we can have fun."


"Prude." I sighed, let that not become a nickname for me like Mystery had. "Anyhow we have a meeting?" She changed the subject so casually.

"We do have to think of something to save the queendom, I can't help imagining how he already is hurting the people not wanting to follow him."

"True... I sure hope we can get this done quick."

"Trust me I do too, I just wish for our usual calm life to come back, the occasional mage work from time to time and days of calm and relaxing life not this hellish work of the devil Aurelius brought for us."

"Seems so far away doesn't it? As if we can never reach it."

"Yeah... But prophecy spoke, we three will clash and will duke it out... I will not let him win, I can't let him win, not with all the pain he caused and what he deprived me of."

"We'll beat him down together."

"Yeah, together." 

But despite her words and the words one written in stone I had no intention of letting her face him, I'll be strong enough to not need to void, to not put her in danger.... I'll be the one to kill him...

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