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I looked up at the cave in the blocked out way.

"What is this?" I said to the king. "You said we could get under the castle with these tunnels but this shop insignia is from the edge of the capitol city." I was slightly angered but knew he couldn't control it.

"Somehow they must have known we were coming." Audrey was the one that answered.

I sighed, thinking of a way as we were all trapped underground like this....Maybe...

I marched to the blockade and took a deep breath before kicking the sole of my foot out against it with my eyes closed.

All the sound around me blurred as the ripples in the magic let me see through them clearly.

"This is not a cave in." I said as I pulled my foot back and opened my eyes in  a glare. "The whole tunnel system has been filled with rocks and dirt.... He saw us coming."

I did it again but stomped my foot in the ground and the ripples raced up the walls and into the earth instead of through the rubble.

It surprised me how far I could see this way but I kept concentrating.

"The battle has started." I said opening my eyes. "No other reason would lead to the undead army to all be marching in the same direction and towards the outskirts."

"How will we go up? The nearest exit is way back and can only fit at maximum five people out at the same time." Ethan said.

"It's time to push my skills once again." I said, doing what I did third time, trying to concentrate on the shapes I saw on the surface more to see if they were any civilians in the way of my plan.

I took a deep breath opening my eyes and slowly dropping in a low squat with my hands in fists and bent to my side.

I felt the sparkle of magic through my veins as I stepped forwards, snapping both my arms up diagonally making the whole underground shake heavily.

I let out a battle cry as I did it again with more force, blowing a huge slope up to the surface through the rock, sending the pieces tumbling through the air and crashing down.

I hopped up straighter with a spin and slammed my foot in the ground with my hand on the same side thrown out wide open, flames racing up the whole width of the slope as the undead enemy was already rushing down it without a thought as they had no mind.

"Everyone attack!!" I stopped the flames at the king's order to march and sprinted up it, boosting myself in the air at the very top and sending a huge flurry of flames around the new entrance of the tunnels, turning all fleshy beings into chard corpses.

"Mystery wait!" I ignored Audrey and just ran, I will not need the void, I can't risk her safety so I'll be strong enough without her.

"I'm sorry." I whispered while pulling my staff in my hands and snapping the neck of the nearest corpse with a hit.

As I made my way towards the far away castle I became more aware that the news of a rebellion had spread like wild fire in two days time, untrained men and women turning on these creation of magic with torches and improvised weapons.

I blasted myself over a building, advancing in a straight line.

I put a spin in my movement and when I hit the ground my heel was the first to touch it, sending a wave through the earth like if it was water, throwing many dead knights in the air and away from a group of people before continuing to run past as they cheered.

I knew many would die but I hope the hope of this being soon finished will save many more.

I flexed my hand at my side and looking up at the sky dark clouds started gathering without rain whatsoever, perfect.

With a snap of my wrist several lightning strikes fell down and struck the unsuspecting.

I froze my staff back to my back and pulled my already blazing blade out to slash at whoever was in my way that wasn't someone from my queendom.

I stumbled in surprised and ran into a dead knight as a sound I never expected before I caught myself and stabbed the blade into it and cut it in half.

I chased my thoughts of vengeance away from my mind for the first time since I abandoned Audrey and the rest and did a sharp left turn.

In a small alley sat a small shivering figure.

"Hey there." I sheathed my blade. "Are you lost?" I asked softly as I crouched down.

The messy tear covered face of a little girl turned to me with so much fear on her face it hurt my heart.

"Hey hey hey." I said softly as she backed away from me and pressed against the building walls. "It's okay, I am here to help." I tried to reassure her.

I turned around and threw my hand out, the ground raising in a series of spiked walls and impaling knights.

"Fuck it." I breathed out, letting a curse slip out with it as I grabbed the scared child that couldn't be more then four in my right arm as I created a pillar of dirt under me with my other and threw us both on top of the building and took off running against, if I get to the castle there will be less enemies since they are moving out towards the armies so she'll be safer.... And yet in more danger.... There is no good choices here so I need to go with the lesser evil.

"Where are your parents child?" I asked while I ran, using my flames to torch us a path without needing to swing a blade the would scare her more and zigzagging through the building to not have her need to deal with being thrown in the air all the time, loosing a lot of time but civilians safety is always the most important to me, anything living comes before the rest.

"I-I don't have them." I looked down at the small frail voice with a frown as she gripped on me with all the strength she had with her head against me. As a mage I got taken through my human parents but I still had them.

"You lived on the streets didn't you?" I felt the bobbing of her head against my shoulder and sighed. "Don't worry I won't let these men hurt you."

After a while I switch hands to hold her and despite me telling her to not look she stared at what magic I summoned from a wave of my hand.

"There, hide here and don't move." I said, seeing her down, at the foot of the gentle slopped heel that lead to the castle, "Slip in through this window into the basement and they won't find you." I said as I knocked over a soldier and gathered flames around my hand and threw it at it. "Got it?"

"You'll come back?" She asked softly, tugging on my pants. "You won't leave me alone will you?"

"No I won't leave you but now hide." I knocked another soldier down, I was right, much less were around here but there still were.

She yelled as it landed in front of her and lit it aflame.... Wait a second.

 I looked at the orange flames and then at the child and kneeled down, grabbing her shoulders.

"Listen to me child, hide away and stay here, I promise I'll be back." Having an even bigger incentive to keeping her alive then just my morals and obligations, she made fire from nothing even if it was out of fear, that was how I too created my first magic, out of fear.

She nodded, slowly making her way down into the darkness of the basement through the small window.

"I'll be back." I promised again and with a wave of my arms I sealed the window shut with stone.

I stopped worrying about the kid and stood to look at the castle with a glare as lightning struck.

Here I come Aurelius.

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