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Despite five of us being asked to participate one Em and I agreed to it, the three having reasons just like us, Em in hope that even if he were to actually win he could court the eldest prince instead and me I would join to protect the princess from those wanting her harm.

Tournament would start on the first day in two weeks so we had time to prepare the fallow lands on the outskirts of the castle for the tournament.

I sat in the elm looking up at the stars when I noticed bright light from one of the rooms in the castle, window flaps wide open, princess staring out at the stars.

I hopped down the branches and strutted over.

"What troubles you this time Highness?" I called up to her and she looked down, face gaining a new glow to it. "Something worth losing sleep over?"

"I could ask you the same, the stars are up and the moon shines bright in the night sky."

I looked at the climbing vines on the wall and they wrapped around my feet and calves in a tight hold as they lifted me up.

"I thought I'd come up here, talking would be easier from this close." I said, crouching as if there was something actually under my feet, forearms resting on my knees.

"You truly are a mystery, I have never seen a mage do something like that, not even head mage Belladonna." The princess said, examining the plants.

"Why yes I did warn you I'd have a few mysteries to me."

"A few." She laughed wholeheartedly at that. "If it was only a few I'd have gotten my answers already."

"You are confident princess, that's a good trait to have, now what troubles your mind this late night."

"Anything that could go wrong with the tournament."

"You shouldn't worry Highness."

"Easy for you to say mage."

"Her Majesty has come to us to participate in the games."

"And?" She looked nervous awaiting my answer.

"Em and I will join to keep you safe Highness."

"That does ease a bit of my worries."

"Don't worry Highness you can trust in us."

"Yes of course mage but what if you won?"

"I am already the queen's property so what would change?"

"I can't help but want to get to the bottom of this mystery you are mage."

"I invite you to keep trying in that case princess."

"Of course my dear mage... Tomorrow we are leaving to me with the woodland people, mother want two mages."

"Em or Leo, they work well with nature or ground, even Amalia would be good at the ground over there is rocky."

"You compliment others but never talk of yourself in the same regards."

"I know what I can do and my limits, I am not amazed by familiarity."

"Well you should look at yourself with the eyes of others, you would be just as good of a choice as all of them just from what I can see you doing right now."

"You will sweep the nation like thunder Highness, you'll stand tall and grandiose before the people, perpetuating the name of the purple eyed ones, you shall be a great queen."

"You compliment and yet can't find more than mundane words for yourself mage, learn to appreciate your worth."

"I do, I trust in my skill and strength and I know my weaknesses."

"But do you see what others see? how pure of a heart you are, always looking out for others before yourself, dealing with a present you never wanted but decide to live it to the fullest, the mage that is looked up to be her peers and yet can't see how amazing you are."

"You are a good judge of people Highness."

"I had a good teacher."

"So it seems."

"So would you be willing to accompany us mage? I am sure mother would be pleased by that outcome if it were to happen as you are the court's dragon and our land it known for the dragons."

"Very well Highness I will accompany you and your family to the woodlands tomorrow."

"Thank you."

"Of course, now have your troubles left you alone."

"Some yes."

"Try to get some shut eye Highness, the road will be long tomorrow."

"Same to you mage."

I let the vines lower me as she closed the window covered and soon the light was gone.

I stepped on to the road leading to my quarters, walking through the silent world, even the souls slept, even the wind.

It was peaceful.

But then why do I have this feeling in my stomach?

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