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(here's mama dragon in case you wanna see her)

(here's mama dragon in case you wanna see her)

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"Is there a reason you wanted them to leave?" Seraphim asked, watching Merlin follow after them as she waved him to follow the group in case people would look under the elm sooner then we thought.

"What does being part dragon imply?"

"Ah yes that, well for one since I was gifted with a human form you have a dragon form to, now that you have awaken your powers you'll realize you are stronger then before too, you are a dragon in human skin after all, you'll live longer, like dragons do."

"Then I'll out live her."


"Audrey.... The purple eyed princess.... I can't do that to her, I can't leave her behind as she aged and live on without her by my side."

"Ah yes, love, a deadly disease that consumes until nothing else is left." She nodded. "Seems dragons have a thing for purple eyes." She joked a bit. "Anyhow don't worry, your father and I had the same thought but there has always existed a magical pact to bind ones life to another, how else do you think the elves willingly take humans as lovers while they can live many centuries longer? That spell would bind the one with the lowest life expectancy to the highest as if they were part of that race without being it."

"So Audrey could live as long as I do?"

"Exactly, unfortunately Merlin and I never got through it, our life together ending as fast as it started in the normal lifespan of a dragon."

"If I am a dragon why did my flames burn me?"

"Because you had your other side sleeping. Fire, just like wild magic, is innate to dragons, now it shouldn't burn you but also burn silver."

I lit fire in my palm and it was indeed silver like the flames that covered my sword when I lit it up, I snuffed it out with a wave of my hand.

"So I changed into a dragon, a full bodies one, how do I do that?"

"Its like any other muscle you flex, your magic doing the job, you just need to get the hang of it, the news of people seeing a silver dragon spewing fire around on castle grounds is making it's way through the populous."

"I feared so.... I am the heir."

"You indeed are but child do not burden yourself with that as it is not the time for that, Aurelius being dealt with is first priority."

"But how? He got me so easily."

"That's why you need to contact the current dragon queen and use her help to escape to the dragon lands, there still lives one really old dragon that was alive even when I was just hatching, he'd be the one that can come to your help,"

"Right right so fire won't hurt me anymore?"

"If you are in contact with flames that aren't yours your skin will turn into really small silver scales to protect you from their heat."

"Has other dragons ever had this ability to turn human?"

"Yes, my dear sister had seen what became of me when I wished for help from the god, not common but there are people that are dragons in human skin but none are like you, truly from both human and dragon blood," I thought back at the blue dragon eyed girl from the tournament, she was a dragon too?!

"Okay... euhm,"

"Are these all your private question? Merlin's soul is weakening outside since only this room lets us manifest like this,"

"Yeah euhm well I don't know,"

"Spit it out child," She crossed her arm.

"Who am I the most like?" She was taken off guard, most likely expecting something else as I had turned the subject away from family earlier.

"Why does this interest you?"

"I just want to know if I turned out like you guys or someone completely different."

"Is it that important child?"

"Yes..... I want to.... I want to know if I turned into someone you'd be proud of.... Someone living up to your names.... And even if I was angry before.... Someone living up to being your daughter...."

"Arianwyn.... Or Mystery, which ever you like more, don't think of yourself as unworthy." She wanted to touch me but her hand fazed through my body, she looked at it in sad disappointment before looking up at me. "You turned into a beautiful young woman with the best life you could have in the circumstances, you keep in mind no matter what you do we'll always be proud." 


"You surpassed any of our expectations long ago, proving to even the none believers that you are indeed living up to your titles and lets not talk that despite it not being known you still were a silver dragon, even if just by title at the time, The silver dragon of this day and age."


"Of course we are proud, we might wish we had been here physically and have you grow up with us but you turned out perfect just the way you are."

"Okay.... So who am I more like?"

"Oh dear child it would be hard to say, fierce and powerful like the blood of dragons that runs through you but naive and understanding like the human nature you have, Merlin and I are pure blooded people of our own races and only a godly gift lets me take this shape while not giving me anything more human, our personalities fit in our own race, I'd say you were more me at the start but became a little Merlin around that Audrey girl as you opened up."

"So a perfect hybrid of all."

"Seems so child."

"How do I read dragon so easily?"

"Innate knowledge.... Now hurry if you have more questions, Merlin is standing at the door like a child that broke something and feels guilty." I chuckled slightly.

"No I don't have questions.... Yet."

"Come back here when you want to, you still have time before needing to execute the plan."

"Right." With a soft sigh I left the room as a barely visible Merlin entered, I watched him hug her before leaving.

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