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(you'll hate me after this I am sure XD)

I woke up after two sun slices and felt a bit numb for a while but got better soon.

I had just checked in with the elf because her arm injury was really bad but she was fine, I just wouldn't have felt right if I didn't check since I usually do check in on my opponents I fight not for the purpose of killing them.

I smiled as she was a really nice lady, happy to have crossed blades with me.

My thigh was sore but lucky me my next fight is with Em and not before tomorrow so the thing the healers give me again should make me all good.

I'll use my staff with him as I miss it, this sword was good and all but that staff was my weapon.

I casually waved at my fellow mages when I passed them.

"Nix leave her alone." I laughed as Amalia tried pealing the cat off her clothes while I just casually took her, Nix sitting her butt in the crook of my elbow and front paws on my shoulder. "What did you do?"

"Nothing! I just tended to a garden and read a book, that's literally all I've done today."

"Maybe there was some catnip growing there, must be that."

"I think that's the only option there it."

"Yeah well I'll go take a nap I am still tired."

"Do that, I'll get you a new glove, no surprise it is gone after that fire."

"Sure thanks."

I petted Nix as I walked up and opened my door and kicked it close behind me.

"I'll be yours right away." I told my cat as I set her on the bed and grabbed the book and the translation I still had out on my table before going to the fake stone in the wall and hid it in there with my bead box. "Here I am." I laid down and the little sass queen cuddled up to my head and shoulder.

I petted her before closing my eyes and falling asleep.

"So Merlin." I could instantly get a bearing on what was going on when I dreamed of the elm, he'd also be here. "Can you tell me anything new?"

"The darkness will soon strike."

"That's not good."

"You start willingly let your power manifest, he is thinking that it is a new thing so he needs to act soon to keep you from getting stronger."

"So this is my fault, if I didn't know this he would have waited."

"Yes but this way we know it will be soon."

"Right.... Why do you even talk to me or is that too personal to answer yet?"

"You'll know soon and it will be some harsh truth."

"Then I'll be ready, I always loved your elm and I don't think that will stop."

"We'll see.... I would wake up, something bad is going on."

"Oh no."

I woke up and stood up, marching out of my room in search of Audrey, he wouldn't warn me like this if it wasn't her that got in trouble.

I didn't find her in her room nor in the castle so I went to the elm.

"Audrey!" I called as I jogged over, making her look at me. "Is everyth--"


I grabbed my face, the strike hitting my cheek but also my nose and I instantly felt blood dripping from it she put so much strength behind it.

I looked at Audrey in surprise and at the blood in my hand.

"Audre--" "SHUT YOU MOUTH YOU WHORE!!!" I stepped back as if struck again as the harshness of her words, dried tears stains on her face but right now pissed. "HOW DARE YOU?!"

"Audrey what is going on?"

"Pfff." She humorlessly laughed. "Don't play innocent you.... You!!" I pulled my dagger out to block a head on strike from her sword.

"Audrey what are you on about?!"

"You deceiver! Vermin! And good for nothing! Cheater!" I froze and didn't block the strike to my face.

Screaming in pain as I grabbed it, feeling burning from right over me left brow down across the bridge of my nose, passing right by the corner of my mouth and over my jaw bone.

I took loud breaths as I looked up at her.

"Audrey I d-did nothing! I don't know what you saw but--" "SHUT IT YOU MISERABLE SLUT!!" I shut up with tears in my eyes as her sword was at my throat. "And it is Highness to you." She sheathed it and walked away.

"Audr-- Highness please!" I picked my dagger up and sheathed it before running after. "I didn't do anything! I was in my room!"

"Don't lie to me!! I saw you with that woman with my own eyes!" She shoved me in the chest and it hurt more then the cut across my face.

"Highne--" "Do not talk to me!!"

I watched her walk away, chocking on air as tears rolled down my face and made the bleeding cut sting more.

I grabbed my head and closed my eyes forcing myself to not hyperventilate in panic and with one thought I took off sprinting.

"AMALIA!!" I slammed the door to our home open, scaring Leo, Em and Amalia who were playing cards.

"Oh my god Mystery your face!" I slapped Em's hands away violently.

"Doesn't matter! Amalia how long have you been here?!"

"What? What's so important?"

"I didn't sleep walk suddenly or got possessed did I? Did I?!?!" I yelled, completely out of it and more panicked then I've ever been in my life.

"No you never left you room until you marched out of the house in a hurry."

I put my hand on my face, sobbing in confusion and hurt.

"Mystery?" Em whispered, I never been in this state ever before and I knew it was scaring them for my well being.

"Audrey! She saw me with someone else!" I covered my face  "She hates me! I didn't do it! I'd never!"

"Ssh ssh it'll be alright." Em hugged me in his arms as I laid my forehead on his shoulder.

"I-I didn't do it!"

"Ssh I know you'd never, not even in your dreams okay? We'll help you find out what happened okay?" He held my face in his hands. "Okay?"

I nodded shakily before he hugged me again.

This can't be happening....

What's going on....


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