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Light couldn't com earlier than it did, I did one additional turn to what was decided on so I was the one to see the rising sun, when a slice had passed I got everyone up.

"I can ride Arial if needed." Amalia said, not being the one that has been awake 3/5 of the night and well, riding a horse all day could tire someone out.

"You cannot, you know how she is plus I'll be fine, I've been of worst cultivating the dragon's blossom."

"I remember, each month there would by a slice of three to four days where you'd live at night and sleep in the days but this is different."

"Amalia I'm fine and as said Arial wouldn't let you ride her." I said, pointing my chin at the guard that let out a small surprised yell when he tried to untie her to bring her over to me, ending up with his fingers almost bitten. "That horse is a mule in disguise."

"Right but you warn me if anything."

"Alright don't worry sister you won't need to stop the cortege to stop the carriage from rolling over a sleeping mage that fell off her horse."

"Keep to that promise, I don't know how Belladonna would react to having you with a wooden wheel through your body."

"I'll keep that in mind, now get ready and let's get going."

"A peaceful morning isn't it?"

"Highness." I bowed and caught glimpse of her doing it back.


"And yes it is a peaceful morning, I hope the carriage treated you well?"

"I was just going to ask about something related to it."


"It bores me to be in it day and night, I already spoke of this with mother and as long as I am careful I can."

"Can what Highness?"

"I would wish to ride with you, if you let me that is, Arial would be able to carry both and I don't want to tire the carriage horse more, the guards' ones also already carrying them and they are partially armored"

"Highness you are conscious of the dangers?"

"Of course I am, that's why I am asking you instead of another, because of the horses well being and because of the potential danger, you'd protect me no?"

"With my life Highness, I agreed to join the fight for you hand to protect you."

"Then I have nothing to fear on Arial, will you let me ride with you?"

"If the queen has agreed to it how could I say no to you Highness?"

I laced my fingers together and waited for her to step in my hands to push her up on Arial before pulling myself up.

"Hold on the pommel tight Highness, wouldn't want you to fall."

"You'd catch me."


I had my feet in the stirrups but they barely reached them as I sat further from them so the princess could fit, arms passed around her to grab the reins.

We rode in silence, the princess staring at the view while I paid attention to the road and surroundings in a different way.

"What is it like being a mage?" She asked, turning her head to look at me.

I quickly raised my hand away from the rein to catch the circlet that fell of and set it back on her head.

"Keep your head tilted forwards Highness, wouldn't want to lose your circlet in the forest."

"Right but my question?"

"Well Highness I didn't know a life without being a mage. When I was young people in my village already came to me for the little help I could offer without training, thawing out the well, setting fire to wood and cooking the food with my fire, I was already of help to the people."

"It must be nice to know your worth."

"Highness you are worth more than anything, we'd lay down our lives for you."

"Always with the compliments mage, should I be suspicious of your intent towards me?" I laughed at that.

"Your Highness please I am not some man worming their way in people's hearts to than hurt them."

"Just making sure my mages aren't up to something."


"Do you ever miss your home?"

"Always, your mother took me from them without my consent and that I won't forgive her tho now grown I can appreciate what she gave me for a present, a life I could have never had if I stayed but that one offence won't be washed away by the tides of time."

"That's the reason for that broken bow, you are correct in all you do, all but that one little bow."

"The most respectful way to convey my disrespect because of her choice."

"Anyone else would have lost their head."

"I am not anyone else Highness."

"That was obvious mage."

"Not so obvious."

"Ah yes the forever mysterious mage Mystery is." I chuckled as she threw her arms in the air in almost indignation at my lack cooperation to reveal my secrets.

"Life is what it is Highness."

"Sure is and do not forget the promise."

"Would never."

"I've seen these before but now there are more." I let her grab my braid and look at the beads. "Even different writing."

"You are observant Highness, these are each enchanted with a spell engraved into the surface of the bead with a rune to represent it, I have many which I can mix and match to my needs."

"These are light brown quartz beads, aren't they heavy?"

"Not at all, I can fit eight on it if I leave a thumb space between each and more if I don't but I usually have only three to four.... maybe six."

"And how do they work?"

"Like the crystal torches Highness, a brush of magic to activate the spell and another brush to turn it off, it's with one of these I tracked the would be killer that day."

"It would be practical to own one." I thought for a little.

"Highness please grab the reins." She did it as I grabbed the short hair on the side of her face, having practice so I was quick braiding it, pulling a bead of and fitting it in her hair before grabbing the reins again and she reached up, pulling it in front of her face.

"What does this one do?"

"It isn't that much of a spell, it is a charm."

"A charm?"

"Yes, a good luck charm, it is said if offered by a person meaning well it will bring you luck and protection and moreover light brown quartz is just found around my village, said to trap good energy into it and protect from evil."

"Then I can't take it."

"Take it Highness, I was gifted a whole box of already carved and none carved ones, I can always make a new one, think of it as a gift."

"Thank you mage."

"Of course Highness."

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