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The whole while I sat in a corner with a glass of wine... More like a fucking pint of wine because that's the cup size they had and just filled it up. It wasn't the best either which just made me think more and more about how different my life would have been outside the castle walls, with my parents, what hardships and joy would I have lived through, what would be different?

There is a spell that could do it but as I said many times that is wild magic.

So I sipped my drink as I kept an eye on all, hood still hiding my identity.

I pulled two silver coins from my pouch and set them on the table as I went outside to get a breather.

"Miss these are two gold coins, that pint costs four silver." The waiter called after me.

"Keep the change." I sighed, pushing the door open.

I sighed, looking up at the starry night sky while I leaned against the buildings side, finally smelling something else than booze and food.

"Hey there pretty lady~." Not this too! He looped an arm around my shoulders.

"Leave me alone." Are peasants really like this? 

"Come on, I got some money, I can treat you."

"No, leave."

"Don't play hard to get peasant."

"I said no!" I snapped my head up to look at him, hood flapping enough to free y eyes from their shadow.

His reaction was as if I had shoved him myself, jerking back so hard he almost fell.

"I-I am so sorry I--" "Leave!" He scrambled to his feet, pushing his way into the inn and I sighed, if he gossips about me being here it will create a.... Shit show if I may say.

I picked up my head and pushed of the wall, walking away a few feet, the lights from inside the inn letting me look around the empty space.

My eyes scanned the darkness.

All was silent outside.

Silent as in winter.


It wasn't winter.

I turned and snapped my leg into the side of the entity I felt coming, sending it rolling through the street.

I watched with wide mouth as the figure got up, it wasn't a man shrouded in darkness, it was a man of darkness, a Shade.

I bent my knees and lifted my arms slightly, palms facing towards the sky.
A Shade is a phantom, a lost soul, summoned by a powerful mage and filled with hate, a vengeful soul, it would do its masters bidding.

I snapped out my left arm, a towering line of ice spikes shot out from the ground to stop it in it's movement towards the inn, I knew who it was after.

"I won't let you get in there Shade." I spat at it.

It screamed, sounding like a kettle and came at me.

I stomped my foot on the ground to have a stone plaque of the pavement like jump into the air in front of me to block its strike and made a throwing motion with my hand to make the stone plaque go flying with the Shade itself.

I closed my hands into fists and the tulips growing at the foot of a house grew and used their stems the lace the Shade up.

I waved my hand to make the ice go away and repaired the path at the same time.

"Now lets see who sent you." A Shade was bound to an object to come back and that object would be something the caster possessed, hidden right inside their chest, if taken out the Shade dies and I could use my dragon sight bead to track them down.

As I reached for it it screeched so loudly I stumbled back with a scream of my own at the pain.

The shadows lashed out and tore the flowers away, damn the caster must be powerful for a Shade to be able to use wild magic itself.

"No!" Is what I yelled, getting up from the ground, my ears ringing, as it almost flew inside the inn it moved so fast and I heard the scared patrons.

"Not on my watch!" I blasted its back with flames as I kicked it in the back, rolling inside the inn before standing up.

People screamed and pushed themselves to the back, even if they never saw a Shade they could feel the dangerous aura it had and since they now saw who I was it scared them even more since I was known to be powerful, a double edged blade, it reassures people but scares them if I am having a hard time with an enemy.

The Shade like... Liquefied and rushed towards the princess.

I blasted it away in time to plant myself in front of her with Em.

He made the tables sprout branches and try to snatch it out of the air but it was too hard.

I let out a jet off flames as I shoved the princess behind Em, making eye contact with her.

But to my surprise it avoid the flames when I looked back and had come at me instead of changing its direction to go after her, I didn't have time to react as if slammed itself into my chest and sent me over a table, did.... Did it know I was going to protect the princess? Was I the target all long??

I coughed as I felt ash and soot in my mouth, throat and airways as the Shade faded, almost instantly taking effect.

"Mystery!" Em said, kneeling by my side as I coughed loudly, gripping at my throat.

"What's going on?!" Eleric asked in worry as I coughed black stuff all over my face as I laid on my back.

"We need to go now!" Was all he said and I let him picky me up despite how much it already hurt to be touched.

"What's going on?!" Said another voice again and I had a harder and harder time to distinguish between them.

"We need Belladonna and fast!"

I just closed my eyes, hoping they'd be fast enough to help my body while I will deal with this on a soul level.

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