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"When you said getting away from supper I didn't think about this Highness." I said while the royal siblings paid of the wall guards to let them through.

"This isn't the first time, no one will catch us." Eleric said.

"That doesn't ease my worries in the least." I said with a sigh.

"Don't worry nothing will happen."

"Em how could you agree to this?"

"How could YOU agree?"

"Em I love you but we're helping the royal siblings sneak out of the castle walls and the fact they did this several times doesn't help."

I heard them laughing at us and I threw my cape's hood over my hair and magically brushed my hair down so it created shadows over my eyes, I was the most recognizable between all of us since some people had never actually seen the royal siblings while I was known by all because of my hair and eyes.

"Better reason not to get caught."

"Highness would you give me the permission to kill my brother in mage-hood?"

"Request denied mage, lets not kill each other shall we? At least this time we have mages with us right?" The princess smiled as I sighed, all having snatched servant clothes and the woman having made their hair in a different way. Em and I did look like mages still.

"Come on slowpokes hurry the fuck up!"

"Language Meridith!" Both elder siblings yelled after her, she sure was childish and was less high spoken than her siblings when it wasn't a must, fitting right into her fake role as a peasant but the princess with her natural regal nature still looked too sophisticated for a peasant woman.

"Don't worry mage we've been here many times." The princess told me.

"That still doesn't ease my worries Highness." I said, skeptical as I looked up at the Inn, 'Crows and Bears dinner' it was a place notorious to room criminals because in here it didn't matter who you were and what your past was, all that mattered is the food, the drinks and the party. "I can't say that I am very happy."

"You'll soon be, this is the place people wouldn't care even if they recognize us, plus look at it this way, if they realize the soon to be queen takes time to have a great time with her people she'd be a good queen as she understands them more."

"I'd have a hard time believing you'll be queen if I was someone else hearing you talk Highness."

"Ah no we don't want people to be tipped off on purpose, here I am Audrey like how Eleric is Eleric or Emersme is Emersme not a mage."

"You'll be the death of me High--Audrey, if not by those coming after you but by this." I face palmed but followed them inside the noisy Inn.

I didn't enjoy this like the royal siblings surprisingly did with Em, I spent my evening being shocked at all the things a ruler wouldn't do and they still did, men and women alike. 

I watched the scene with a hand over my mouth and eyes large as I couldn't believe what I was seeing. Eleric brawl with another patron with Emersme screaming his head off in cheers for the prince and betting money on who could pin the other down for five seconds.
Mirrel was shoveling ,with his hands, mashed potatoes and meat into his mouth, staining hand and clothes.
Meridith dancing a jig with a waiter and Audrey taking a pint of beer like a shot.

This made me realize I was completely unused to the life I would have lead I wasn't a mage. I grew up like a noble and in a royal court instead of working the land and speaking like a drunk man at 2 in the morning, how different would peasant Mystery be compared to mage Mystery?

I jumped at a loud thud right in front of me to see the bard that sang had passed out.

I heard the patrons fuss about it and people yelling for another bard.

"My friend here can be the bard!" I felt like I would murder Em as he shoved me forth to be assaulted with drunken people yelling at me to sing them something.

I kept my arms close to my chest, tightly grabbing my clothes with a frown.

"Come on! You didn't do anything else tonight, at least do this!" He said and people chanted 'bard' over and over.

"Fine!!" I yelled to make them all shut up. "One!! Then find another!!"

I guess I gotta do that now but I will murder Em, they won't find his body.

Well now everyone was waiting on me.... I guess I can go with the cold desert's story and prophecy?

Hark, my child, come listen close
Let me tell you of tale
Of a people cursed, a land destroyed
Of a darkness that prevailed
A witch kingdom once tall and proud
Was ruled by Crochan queens
Rhiannon fair was last of these
For hatred stirred beneath 

The Crochan queens were thus betrayed
By those of iron teeth
Three days, three nights the battled raged
Til every heartbeat ceased
And as she fell, Rhiannon last
Stretched out a vengeful hand
"Heed my words and heed my curse Or ne'er return to this here land." 

She said blood to blood
And soul to soul
Together this was done
And only together
Can it be undone
Be the bridge, be the light
And when the iron melts
When flowers spring from killing fields
Only then the land shall be won 

Five hundred years the land was dry
All witches lost and scattered
Blackbeak, Blueblood, Yellowlegs
Their magic dead and shattered
With Crochans gone, hope there was none
To bind and break the curse
Til silver-haired and crooked hearted
Manon learned of her birth 

Wing Leader and Blackbeak heir Devourer of souls
The long lost child of Crochan blood
With eyes of burning gold
Both ancient queen, iron warrior
With Thirteen at her side
They crowned her with a ring of stars
A people unified 

Blood to blood
And soul to soul
Together this was done
And only together
Can it be undone
Be the bridge, be the light
And when the iron melts
When flowers spring from killing fields
Only then the land shall be won 

In final days a king arose
To bathe the world in blood
High Queen Manon would not be cowed
By his demonic flood
With every clan of witches
Met she mortals, met she fae
And in the hills of Terrasen
The last stand of light was made 

With magic dark and cunning
Demons sought to breach the wall
Should they have broken Orynth's gates
Then all Erilea fall
So Thirteen left High Queen to live
And Yielded up their lives
Blood unified, blood payment made
Flower bloomed and dead land sighed 

Blood to blood
And soul to soul
Together this was done
And only together has it been undone
These the bridge, these the light
Here now the iron melts
Here flowers spring from killing fields
Here now the land is won 

See flowers spring from killing fields
See now your land is won  

(this song fits very well in my story doesn't it?)

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