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I stared off at the town from my spot on the elm, it has been two years and yet the hurt is still new, not faded even one bit, there still are parts of the queendom in pieces.

The elm I am sitting on isn't my parents one as per se but one I grew from the single seed they gave me, it didn't really surprise me that the bark grew silver and the leaves red, singing a song of love and adoration that almost made me cry as I knew it was from my parents, I grew it where the old elm once stood.

Us mages took the old elm's wood and it was enough to rebuild all of our town and homes here in the castle so technically wherever I go my parents are there with me.

I was pleased to learn many of those I cared for survived that weren't my family: Betelwan, the one guard that now indeed is courting Calypso, Arial, tho injured, made it out, even Nix, the crafty little bugger, no one knows where she was or what she did but she came back two weeks after I woke up.

Two months after I woke up it was announced to the public what my bloodline was with visual proof and as I had mentioned to the queen of dragons before we first left to fight my long gone uncle, I had agreed to take the title of queen as it was rightfully my own but that was kept secret like my real name, both secrets only my family knows, so I was just head mage Mystery to most even tho some found it weird I wasn't queen as a silver dragon.... Even tho I was but we weren't about to correct them after all.

It was hard to heal from this attack, the burns forever etched into my skin and it took some times to stop feeling a weird tingle when I was using my magic.

The halfmen and humans had had a rocky start in their relationship but we made do, Ethan being the man for the job, keeping the title I had given him and wearing it with honor I would have never known he had if I hadn't beaten him up.

He and many others spent days on end trying to keep criminals from getting out of hand.

The many that died that days were each buried in a grave and the day was declared at a mourning day to honor their death, like the elf man that was called Bardon that tried to help me against my uncle and accidentally taught me lightning redirecting.

Talking about those magic skills, I trained with them and now they've turned even more lethal, I could cast my blood magic upon someone and control their body or I could walk with my eyes closed and see the world clearly if I was bear foot, feeling the constant ripple in the wild magic.

Em had helped my train those and he suffered some horrifying injuries when I was first trying to do the blood magic but he insisted on being the one to help and I soon did get better.

That man.... He was away from the castle with the prince, Eleric and him were away on a long trip around the world to visit many places neither have seen since their honeymoon, they had already been gone for months and I missed them but who was I to stop them?

I sighed, enough time wasted thinking of the past.

I hopped down my new elm, landing softly as it set me down, my magic having grown it even higher then my parent's elm but it was still really young, two years, coming on three.

"What are you doing you are going to be late!" Belladonna chewed me off.

"Calm down I am here now." I tried to calm her.

"We are so lucky you didn't need to dress differently." She said, handing together as if she was praying.

"Hey Belladonna don't worry, I made sure to not dirty myself." I said.

"I still can't believe how much you've grown, I am proud to have been the one to raise you."

"And I'll keep making you proud." We shared a smile before she pushed the doors open and I sighed, slightly nervous but not too much.

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