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"Am I in danger?" I was laying on my stomach on a makeshift bed as the healers worked their literal magic to save me.

"No you'll be fine." I said, elbows pushing myself up to look at Audrey. "The ice slowed the effect, trust the halfmen." It was easier to heal then my back was to deal with. Deep, rapid breaths to make it through the pain without cursing up a storm.

"Here." Ethan stepped in the room, unceremoniously dropping the clothes I discarded on the floor as no one really cared for them right now. "How does it look?"

"The blade was enchanted like all others we've examined." A halfman working on me said.

"A necrotic aura." I said, hand slipping up my face and grabbing my bangs tightly, already sticky with sweat. "The cut target is slowly rotting away alive, soon becoming one of those walking dead soldiers, the reanimated dead."

"So that's what they are." Ethan said.

"Yes and as we resumed the true legends to you, you must know how many corpses are left around and how much times he has been gone before now."

"I do realize that but most of these people aren't warriors, we can't take risks losing a fighter so we fortified the exits and try to hold out as much as we can and keep them out instead of examining what the enemy is."

"Yes well the trouble we face is all these are made by Aurelius and this is part of the banned spells along with with the full on resurrecting one."

"How can we beat that?"

"In a day and a half the rest of the mages might come with the humans from the south and the elves from the woodland to fight back this while we'd need to gather a resistance and strike from the inside to get us to the castle."


"We are counting on luck Ethan, this is a losing battle we are fighting and convincing someone to die for our cause is hard so we can just hope that my brothers and sisters can convince them in siding with the lesser evil."

"You'll need to speak to the halfmen king to see if their people will fight with you because me and my men will be ready to march with you, once my home, always my home."

"Then tell everyone to get ready we are emerging from the underground in one and a half days."

We were left alone with the healers, as I thought Audrey got the easier part of this.

She spent her time sitting by me and holding my still gloved hand, running a thumb over it and lost in thoughts, wordlessly staring at it.

I didn't say much either just stared at her with my other hand crossed under my head, some times closing my eyes or squeezing her hand when pain struck across my back, despite it all, it was a calm moment.

When I was given the all clear and the healers had left us I pushed myself up and freed my hand and gently touched the tender skin, tired as healing magic at its most basic was just magic to speed up your body's natural regeneration.

It was sensitive, a simple brushing of my fingers over it was almost painful so I waved off the halfmen wanting to bandage me up.

"Lets go."

"Are you sure? You look really sleep deprived." Audrey stood as I did, holding my hand and supporting my elbow in case I needed help to stand, when she was sure I'd be stable on my feet one of her hands came up to rest on my blemish free cheek, I couldn't help but lean my head into it.

"I am very tired indeed but we need to speak with the king since this is important." I watched the marking for my spell fade from my skin, I guess I will never learn what that was for for the time being.

"But after that you'll relax a bit."

"If so you wish Audrey."

She tiptoed slightly to kiss my free cheek right over the scar made by the bow before pulling my head down a bit and kissing the cut in my brow from way back at the magic Yeti attack and finally over the scar she put on my face.

"What was that for?"

"You took all I put your through head on, that being from trouble related to me or from my own hands, never considering your safety when mine was on the line but each time I look at these reminders littering your skin I want to be the one to protect you so never doubt me if my choices are you resting or you doing your duty I would always choose you resting since you can't get hurt."

"Poetic, very poetic but I got it, we do this and then rest for a bit."


"Lets go in the case."

"Arianwyn you clothes?"

"Skin prickly and sensitive, I'll stay in my binds for now."

"Strange when I take your tops off you flush red."

"Do not start."

She started laughed while I just smiled, everything was worth her smile.

Even the fact I would ignore the prophecy to preserve it.

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