Wrong number, kid

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-unknown number-

-Not Ned-
I'm sorry who's this?
How'd you get this number?

-unknown number-
Ned! It's me Peter. Dude, this is serious!

-Not Ned-
I'm sorry man but you've got the wrong number.
How'd you even get this?

Oh... I'm so sorry!
My friend got a new phone and ig he gave me a...
Wrong number? Yeah. Sorry!

-Not Ned-
I see...
Well Peter, I have to go.

What's ur name?
C'mon man
Yk mine!

-Not Ned-
It's Tony, Kid.

Like Tony Stark?!

Ur a fan?
How old r u even?
Wouldn't want anything illegal now huh

Why would I tell u?
U could b a stalker for all I know!
StRaNgEr DaNgEr!

Ur a weird kid.
And I could just look it up.

Stalker much eh?
Fifteen year old shouldn't tell old men their age huh
I just did that huh

Jeez kid, stop the spam
I'm working

Sorry. What do u do?
As a job
How old r u?

I'm an engineer.
Gtg bye.


I look at the time and see that it's now 6:45pm. Pepper will probably come soon to get me for dinner. Or did she have a meeting? I'm not sure... that's when FRIDAY decides to speak up.

"Boss, Captain would like to tell you that dinner's ready."

I smile a bit at my phone remembering the conversation I just had with the kid. Peter. I walk over to the elevator and do a small background check on Peter. Just to make sure he's not a threat.

I look through his file and see that he's an orphan. His uncle died so he's alone with his aunt and he lives in Queens. That's when the elevator opens. I put my phone in my pocket and walk out into the kitchen. "Look! He alive!" Clint yells. "Very funny birdbrain." He just laughs it off and walks to the dinner table. We all sit in our seats and we start eating. After dinner I decide to go down to my lab to tinker some more with my suit.

I look at the time and see that it's now 3:18am. "Boss, may I suggest going to bed?" FRIDAY suddenly says. I shrug and put down my tools. I walk over to the elevators and get to my bedroom. Pepper's already in my bed so I lay down next to her. "Goodnight Pepper" I whisper and then I fall asleep.



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