Just a baby

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''Right! That's the point I'm trying to make. Last night, I dreamt, we had a kid. So real. We named him after your eccentric uncle. Uh, what was his name?''


''Morgan! Morgan.''

That happened this morning at 11am. And Tony was sure Pepper was pregnant that morning, even though Pepper said she wasn't, couldn't be. That'd be ridiculous, right? They weren't planning on becoming parents. But then again, can you really plan something THAT big? No, not really. At least that's what Tony thought.

After Pepper heard Tony's story about her being pregnant she just denied it. That couldn't happen to them. But she hadn't told Tony about her morning sickness yet. Or the fact that she thought she was actually pregnant. How was she even supposed to do that? ''Hey Tony I think I'm pregnant.''? Tony would freak out, not to mention she isn't even sure. So, she decided it was time to go to the store and buy a pregnancy test. What she did know was that her baby wasn't going to be named Morgan. She'd refuse to give her first born baby that name.

After buying the pregnancy test, multiple actually, Pepper went home as soon as possible. Not wanting to waste any more minutes. She got home and immediately went to the bathroom. ''Please don't be pregnant just yet...'' she whispered to herself with her fingers crossed. See she didn't think she was ready for a baby yet. Sure she'd love the baby anyway, but she wasn't ready. She decided to wait for 15 minutes and just scroll through Instagram on her phone. After 15 minutes she grabbed the test to look at it.

''Oh my God...''

Those were the first words Pepper said after seeing the test. She was pregnant after all. It did make sense and it explained her morning sickness. How was she going to tell Tony? She just told him this morning she WASN'T pregnant.

She decided to tell Tony during dinner. The team was away so it would only be her and Tony, it would be the perfect opportunity to tell him.

It was currently 5:25pm and Pepper was ordering pizza for dinner. She was trying to figure out how to tell Tony. She figured out when to tell him, during dinner, now she had to know how to tell him. She decided to just say it. Get it over with.

The pizza arrived at 6:17pm. Right on time. She asked FRIDAY to call Tony from his lab for dinner and waited for him to arrive.

''Boss, Ms. Potts would like you to attend dinner with her.'' FRIDAY suddenly spoke up.

I looked up from my work seeing it was already 6:20pm. I cleaned my hands and hurridly went upstairs. I can't help but think Pepper's pregnant. I know she's said she isn't but I just have that gut feeling you sometimes have you know?

Anyways, the elevator dinged and I got out. I walked over to where Pepper was sitting in the common room and took a slice of pizza. I already knew we were going to eat pizza since the rest of the team wasn't here, no reason to cook, right? I started devouring the pizza when suddenly Pepper spoke up.


I look up and nod at her so that she knows I heard her.

''I've been thinking, after you told me you thought I was pregnant this morning I bought a pregnancy test. I was experiencing some morning sickness but I didn't think I was pregnant. It turns out that... I am indeed pregnant...'' She said. I started to choke on my pizza as I looked at her in shock, she had tears in her eyes which I assumed could only be from happiness.

''I- Yes! We're gonna have a little morgan!'' I say after a while.

She looks at me and gives me a hug. ''I'm glad you're okay.'' I say after awhile. She opens her mouth as if she was going to say something but closes it. After 2 minutes she finally says something. ''Tony?'' ''Mhm?'' ''We're not going to name them Morgan.'' She says. I look down but after awhile I agree.


It has now been 4 months since Pepper told me she was pregnant. We didn't tell the team yet, but it's getting obvious now so we decided to tell them today during movie night. We went to the doctor a couple of times and figured out the baby's gender, a boy. We decided we're going to name him Peter. Peter Anthony Stark.

It was now 7:48pm meaning movie night would start in about 10 minutes. It would always start at 8 so people could have some time for themselves before watching a movie or playing games with everyone else.

10 minutes later everyone else came pouring in. We each took a seat on different sofa's. Some next to each other, others on top of each other and a certain clint was watching from the vents since ''You would have a perfect view from up there.'' I decided not to ask him more.

We were halfway through the movie when Pepper looked at me and nodded. I got up and paused the movie. Some groaned while others just looked at me. ''So, Pepper and I have an announcement to make.'' I say ''Are y'all finally getting married?'' A certain archer asks. I look at him while raising an eyebrow ''Eh, no.'' I say to him. ''But.. we do have something else, you see soon there will be a mini Stark walking through the Tower named Peter!'' they all stare at me until Natasha speaks up ''Congrats with your baby! Can't wait to meet my little nephew!'' she says. Thats when it starts to click for everyone.


Pepper is currently 8.5 months pregnant. It's now the 10th of August. Suddenly I hear Pepper yell my name. ''Tony! Get your ass over here rIGHT NOW!'' she screams. I quickly walk up to her ''Yeah?'' I ask her. ''My water broke, I need to get to the MedBay NOW.'' She says. My eyes widen a bit before I remember we already have the doctors we need in the MedBay so we wouldn't have to deal with the press.

''FRIDAY tell Dr. Banner to get the MedBay ready because Pepper's water broke.'' I say while wheeling pepper to the elevator.

''Sure thing Boss.'' She replies as the elevator takes us to the MedBay.

Once in the MedBay things happen really fast. Her contractions are fast and I'm guessing it won't take long before the baby is here.

Boy was I wrong. 5 crueling hours later Peter Anthony Stark was born. And there's already nothing I wouldn't do for him.

''He's beautiful.'' I whisper to Pepper while holding him.

''Yes he is.'' She says while the avengers come in. They all take turns in holding Peter. Soon enough Peter needs to be fed and all the avengers leave. It's just me Pepper and Peter now and I couldn't be happier. After feeding Peter, Pepper's allowed to go to her own room again. I wheel her to her room while she hands me Peter. She falls asleep shortly after and I lay Peter down next to us.

''I'll always protect you, little one.'' I whisper to Peter before closing my eyes and falling asleep.

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