Sick Spider

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''Uncle Ben?''

I walk past the enormous crowd trying to see what they're looking at. ''Let me through please!'' I scream. Once I'm at the front I see him. I kneel down next to him. ''Uncle Ben? Please don't go. Please! I need you...'' I say while tears flood my eyes.

''It's okay Peter...''

''NO! BEN!''


I groan while turning my alarm off. My head is pounding, I try to stand up but before I know it I'm hovering over the toilet throwing up my dinner from last night. Once I'm done I groan and drink some water to get rid of the nasty after taste. I notice I'm all sweaty, disgusting. Must be because of the dream I had last night.

''Peter? Hurry up! You're going to be late!''

I hear Mr. Stark yell. Ugh, I really don't feel good. I walk into the living room and sit down. ''Are you okay kid? You look a little pale.'' Mr. Stark asks, I squint my eyes at him while trying to reduce the headache.  I nod before turning back to the pancakes infront of me. Before I know it I'm hunched over the toilet seat while da- I mean Mr. Stark is rubbing circles on my back. ''It's alright, just let it out.'' he says. Once I'm done he gives me a glass of water.

''I'll call the school to let them know you're not going to attend today meanwhile you're going to go back to bed okay?'' He says. I nod before realizing I had a  field trip today. Mr. Stark just gives me a stern look and I go back to bed.


Hey man where r u?

Dude the trips today

ur gonna b late


its to SI

fine ull see urself then

I wake up and ask FRIDAY the time.

''It's currently 1:18pm.'' She says. I feel a lot better than I did this morning so I decide to go to Mr. Stark. I get in to the elevator still feeling a little off. ''FRIDAY, take me to da- Mr. Stark please.'' I say. She doesn't reply but the elevator stops moving. I notice it stops at the lab, of course it does.

''Mr. Stark?'' I ask. I see him working on an old car in the back of the workshop.

''Hmm?'' He replies. ''What are you doing out of bed?'' He asks once he sees me.

''Oh, I just woke up and felt better and so decided to find you.'' I reply. He chuckles a bit before speaking up again. ''Well, there's a tour group coming in soon. If you want you can stay.'' I nod before sitting down on the couch. Before I know it I'm asleep on the couch in the workshop.


I look at Peter, he looks so peaceful when he's asleep. He's like a son to me, though I'd never admit that. I notice that it's 2:15pm now meaning the tour group will be here soon. I decide to let Peter stay on the couch, they probably won't know him anyway.

5 minutes later and I see around 15 children standing infront of the door.

''Boss, this is the tour group you were scheduled to see.'' FRIDAY infroms me. ''Thanks FRI.'' I say while walking to the door. I check to see if Peter's still asleep, which, he is. I open the rule and they all start shouting. ''QUIET DOWN A BIT.'' I yell to them, they instantly quiet down. ''You'll all be allowed in the lab, don't touch anything and don't take pictures. If you take pictures FRIDAY will tell me immediately and the pictures will be deleted while you'll be escorted out of the building.'' I say. ''Understood?'' I ask them before entering. They all nod so I let them in. Peter's still asleep on the couch in the back of the workshop. Suddenly I hear someone ask something.

''Why's someone asleep on the couch?'' A blonde girl named Betty asks.

That's when I notice Ned and MJ, this must be Peter's class then.

''He was tired and fell asleep.'' I decide to say, leaving out Peter's name. I walk up to Peter to check how he's doing. I put my hand on his forehead which is still a bit hot. He begins to wake up and his eyes open a bit. ''Dad? What're you doing?'' he asks. My eyes widen a bit, he just called me dad! He doesn't seem to notice though so I decide to answer ''I was checking up on y-''


Someone suddenly yells. I turn around and glare at the children. ''Who said that?'' I ask calmly.

''I did.'' a cocky kid named Eugene says proudly. ''I mean, he's just a worthless orphan, why'd you care.''

''First off, his name is Peter, say it with me P-E-T-E-R. Not that hard right? Second, he's not just a worthless orphan, thAT'S MY SON YOU'RE TALKING ABOUT.'' I take a deep breath before walking up to this ''Eugene'' he still has that cocky look on his face but he looks scared now. ''Y-your s-s-son?'' He asks. ''YES MY SON!'' I yell at him. "AND IF YOU DIDN'T KNOW, SI DOESN'T LIKE BULLIES SO YOU BETTER GET OUT NOW BEFORE I RUIN YOUR ENTIRE FUTURE BECAUSE I'LL-''


Peter suddenly yells at me making me stop. I turn around to look at him. ''That's enough. I'm sure he understands now.'' Peter says while walking up to me. I nod and walk them out of my workshop.

''Why didn't you tell me you were being bullied Pete?'' I ask.

He shuffles a bit on his feet before replying, ''because I had it under control. I didn't need you to interfere!''

I sigh before nodding. ''Fine.'' I finally say. ''But since you're still sick and need to rest, how about movie night? We can invite the rest if you want. How does that sound?'' I ask him. ''That sounds good.'' He replies. I tell FRIDAY to invite the others while Peter and I grab the snacks.

We walk into the common room and sit down on the empty sofa. We decided to watch Star Wars because capsicle hadn't seen it yet and Peter really wanted to see it.

After the second Star Wars movie almost everyone was asleep. Thor retired to his room, as did cap. I looked at Peter who was fast asleep in my lap. I decide to pick him up and put him in his own room. I turn off the lights and whisper ''Goodnight, son.'' Before closing the door and moving to my own room to sleep.

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