Mute isn't bad

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Sign language will be written in Italic.

Bucky Barnes hasn't always been like this. It happened after HYDRA. He just didn't feel like he could trust anyone. If he said something, he could say the wrong thing and get in trouble. Or worse, get back to HYDRA. So, as a solution, he stopped talking. He stopped making any noise. People understood and most people knew sign language so it was quite easy to communicate if needed.  Now Bucky isn't stupid. He knew Stark had an intern, even though Stark acted like it was his son. But he also noticed how this intern named Peter, hadn't spoken a word yet. Not to him at least. He decided to find out why.

It was currently 6:37pm meaning dinner would start soon. And since it was Friday it would be movie/game night with all the avengers. That would be the perfect time to get to know Peter better and ask him questions.

Dinner came at 6:45pm and everyone was seated. He noticed how Peter hadn't said anything, not even to Stark. Sure he might be shy, but he doesn't look shy.

Soon enough dinner was over and they all moved to the avengers common room. They decided to make it a movie/game night meaning everyone could do whatever they wanted to do. Perfect. Time to start his plan.

As Bucky walked up to Peter, he prepared himself not knowing what he should expect. He decided to grab some paper and write on it instead of using sign language  since he wasn't sure if the boy even knew sign. He tapped the boy's shoulder and slid the paper to him.

''What's up kiddo? Why aren't u playing games or watching a movie?'' was written on it in messy handwriting.

Peter looked up and started signing. ''I'm mute Mr. Barnes. I know you are too but I just feel stupid. I know I can talk! I've talked when I was younger! And I just feel like a burden when someone has to know sign language to properly talk to me.'' he signed incredibly fast. Barnes was impressed he even understood it all.

''Look kiddo, it ain't gonna be easy, I'll give you that. But these people here? They already know sign language. Barton's 80% deaf if you didn't know. That's why they learned it. If he doesn't have his hearing aids he won't understand you if you talk to him.'' Barnes stopped for a bit to make sure Peter understood him before continuing.

''Peter, you're not a burden. Just because you cannot talk doesn't mean you're any less. I can't talk, do you think of me as any less?'' The older man asked.

''No, but-''

''I don't wanna hear it. You don't, neither do they. They just want you to have a good time. Now come on and let's play some games!'' Barnes signed at Peter before taking him to the rest to play monopoly.

It was now 12:27am and everyone was slowly falling asleep. The only people left awake were Steve, Tony and Bucky. Peter was asleep on Bucky's lap and Bucky's eyes were closing, but before he fell asleep he whispered; ''Goodnight.''

Tony and Steve's eyes widened as they heard him speak since the first time he was released from HYDRA. They looked at each other with a new found hope that maybe someday, he was able to talk again without being afraid of what would happen if he did, but for now Barnes was content with being mute.

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